cod. 1003464

Academic year 2010/11
2° year of course - Annual
  • Agnese GHINI
  • Francesca SANTOLINI
Academic discipline
Tecnologia dell'architettura (ICAR/12)
"discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia"
Type of training activity
100 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit divided into the following partitions:

Integrated course unit module: TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY

Learning objectives

The activity is based on two educational levels: a basic level, introducing the elements of building technology required for the resolution of architectural and environmental project, and a more specialized one dedicated to the topic of sustainability.
The two path, the first required to create a synthetic knowledge of systems and elements that determine the technological apparatus of the building, the second one able to generate a "technological consciousness" attentive to the environmental problems that accompany the design process , will feed into one theme of exercise: The Sustainable House.


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Course unit content

Lectures focus on the following topics:
Concept of sustainability – according to its environmental, social and economic components – connected with construction, maintenance, use and dismission of buildings;
Indoor environmental standards;
Definitions of green architecture; bioclimatic architecture; bioecological architecture - baubiologie; bioarchitettura;
Elements of bioclimatic;
Site Analysis. Relationship between solar radiation and building. Natural ventilation. Thermal inertia and thermal insulation of building envelope;
Anthology of the main Technological systems to realize the building structure;
Anthology of the main construction materials

Full programme

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Benedetti C., Manuale di Architettura bioclimatica, Maggioli Editore, Faenza, 1987
Jones L., Atlante di Bioarchitettura, UTET, Torino, 2002
Gauzin – Muller D., Architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, 2003
Lavagna M., Sostenibilità e risparmio energetico. Soluzioni tecniche per involucri eco-efficienti, Clup, Milano, 2005
Piardi S., Carena P., Oberti I., Ratti A., Costruire edifici sani, Guida alla scelta dei prodotti, Maggioli, Rep. S. Marino, 2000
Wienke U., Manuale di bioedilizia, Dei, Roma, 2002
AA.VV., Atlante dei materiali, vol. 19°, UTET, Torino, 2006
Benedetti C., a cura di, Costruire in legno edifici a basso consumo energetico, Bolzano University Press, Bolzano, 2009
Benedetti C., Bacigalupi V, Materiali e Progetto, Kappa, Roma 1996
Sinopoli N., Alla ricerca dell’innovazione, Franco Angeli, Milano 2002
Torricelli M. C., Del Nord R., Felli P., Materiali e tecnologie dell’architettura, Laterza, Bari, 2002.

Teaching methods

The course offers lectures, reviews of the design activities, students workshops to check the progress of the project.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam consists in the presentation of the project drawings made by each workgroup, according to the procedures to be specified at the end of the course.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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