Learning objectives
<br />The course proposes to provide to the students the basic elements to understand the measurement methods and the technical features of the electronic equipments exploited in acoustics.
Course unit content
<br />Main elements of measurement theory. Measurements units and standard units. Accuracy and resolution. Instrument calibration.<br />Measurements in acoustics. Main physical parameters and their own measurements units: sound intensity and pressure, power, acoustic impedance. Sound levels and decibel (dB).<br />Measurement electronic instruments. Main measurement methods.<br />Analog circuits. - Amplifiers, filters, modulators. ¿ Time domain and frequency domain ¿ Frequency spectrum.<br />Digital circuits. - Sampling and binary code. ¿ Analog to digital and digital to analog converters. ¿ logic circuits and counters.<br />Microprocessor and DSP architectures and main features.<br />Examples of applications of electronic circuits in acoustic. <br />