Learning objectives
<p align="justify">The goal of the course is to provide the students with the familiarity and skills in preliminary medieval history to assemble a degree thesis in similar disciplines.</p>
<p align="justify">It is necessary to have passed an exam on Medieval history, for at least 5 university credits. Otherwise, the students must add the study of the manual M. Montanari, <em>Storia medievale</em>, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2002, to their bibliography.</p>
Course unit content
<p align="justify">The course proposes the analysis of ways of expression of the laical religiousness of the lower Middle Ages, identifying above all in an associative, charitable and devotional way, such as the hospital and confraternal communities. At the end of achieving a critical mastery of the identified theme, the main types of sources – documentary, literary, iconographic – will be analysed, the historiographic routes, the new editorial outcomes offered by the Internet. Lastly, emblematic cases in above all the regions of Emilia and Lombardy will be presented.</p>
Full programme
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1. M. Gazzini, <em>Confraternite e società cittadina nel medioevo italiano</em>, Bologna, Clueb, 2006 <br />
2. <em>Studi confraternali: orientamenti, problemi, testimonianze,</em> a cura di M. Gazzini, Reti medievali-Florence University Press, Florence 2009, entirely downloadable at <a href="http://www.storia.unifi.it/_RM/e-book/titoli/Gazzini_2.htm">http://www.storia.unifi.it/_RM/e-book/titoli/Gazzini_2.htm</a>
Teaching methods
<p>The exam will envision a written proof based on sources, developed during the lessons, and an oral exam relative to the historiography.</p>
Assessment methods and criteria
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Other information
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