Learning objectives
The course gives, with a simplified approach, some basic concepts which are necessary to some of the following biology and chemistry courses. In particular, the contents of the present course offer a physical description of the mechanisms underlying many processes relevant for chemistry and biology .
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Course unit content
<strong> Mechanics</strong><br />
Physical quantities and Units. Vectors and scalars. Operations with vectors. Spece-time diagram. Position, velocity, acceleration. Newton’s laws. Fundamental interactions. Work. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Potential energy. Conservation of energy. Equilibrium. Rotary motion. Kinetic energy of a rotating body. Torque.<br />
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Fluid mechanics</strong><br />
Stevino’s law. Archimede’s law. Continuity equation. Bernoulli’s theorem. Viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. Stoke’s law. Surface tension. Capillaries and Laplace law.<br />
<strong><br />
Thermodynamics</strong><br />
Temperature scales. Kinetic theory of gases. Equipartition of energy. Internal energy. Specific heat. Latent heat and phase transitions. Work and heat. First law of thermodynamics. Some selected transformations. Heat propagation. Heat engines. Reversible and irreversible transformations. Entropy. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot’s cycle.<br />
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<strong>Electromagnetism</strong><br />
Electric charge. Insulators and conductors. Induction and polarization. Coulomb’s law. Electric field. Voltage. Capacity. Capacitors and resistors. Ohm’s and Joule’s laws. Magnetic field. Lorentz force. Ampère’s law. Faraday’s law. Generalized Ampère’s law. Electromagnetic waves. Energy associated with the electromagnetic waves. Spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Polarization. Light refraction. Light dispersion.
Full programme
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Principi di Fisica<br />
vol I<br />
Serway Jewett<br />
Teaching methods
At the end of the course students will be subject to evaluation through a written exam
Assessment methods and criteria
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Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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