cod. 16373

Academic year 2007/08
4° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
4.5 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with the main fundamental concepts to enable them to make a correct diagnosis<br />of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity, together with instrumental and laboratory diagnostic <br />investigative techniques. The Course also aims to provide the fundamental elements for handling odontostomatological <br />problems (clinical and therapeutic aspects) of patients affected by systemic diseases.<br />


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Course unit content

<br />1. DIAGNOSTIC PROTOCOL FOR PRECANCEROUS LESIONS AND INITIAL CARCINOMA<br />Biopsy <br />-incisional (simple – targeted – map)<br />-excisional<br />-needle-aspiration<br />-exfoliative cytology<br />Immunohistochemical techniques<br />2. PROGNOSTIC FACTORS OF PRECANCEROUS LESIONS AND ORAL CARCINOMAS<br />factors linked to the host<br />factors linked to the tumour<br />classical risk factors<br />infectious factors<br />dietary factors<br />3. DIAGNOSTIC PROTOCOL FOR PRECANCEROUS LESIONS AND MALIGNANT TUMOURS OF THE ORAL CAVITY<br />Epidemiology<br />Screening<br />TNM<br />Grading/Staging<br />Histological, immunological and genetic diagnostic techniques<br />Tumour markers <br />4. DIAGNOSTIC PROTOCOL FOR METASTATIC LESIONS<br />lymph node metastasis<br />distance metastasis<br />5. TREATMENT FOR PRECANCEROUS LESIONS AND INITIAL CARCINOMA<br />Surgical treatment<br />Medical treatment<br />Chemoprevention of tumours<br />6. HEAD-NECK TUMOURS<br />The prevention of oral carcinomas<br />Odontostomatological diseases connected with Radiotherapy<br />Odontostomatological diseases connected with chemotherapy<br />Odontostomatological diseases connected with surgical treatments<br />7. TREATMENT PROTOCOL FOR THE RADIO-CHEMO-TREATED ONCOLOGICAL PATIENT<br />Prevention of odontostomatological diseases<br />-Epithelial dysplasia<br />-Lichenoid dysplasia<br />Medical treatment<br />Surgical treatment<br />Dental/prosthetic treatment<br />8. PAIN IN THE CRANIOFACIAL DISTRICT<br />Odontogenous pain: diagnosis and treatment<br />Reversible and irreversible dental pulp diseases<br />Apical periodontitis<br />Abscesses and phlegmons<br />Alveolitis-Osteitis<br />Pharmacotherapy: NSAIDs and antibiotic treatment<br />9. BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME<br />diagnostic protocol <br />therapeutic orientations<br />10. XEROSTOMIA<br />Diagnostic protocol<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Sjogren's syndrome: differential diagnosis and treatment protocol<br />11. THE EFFECTS OF DRUGS ON THE ORAL CAVITY<br />Dental and mucosal pigmentation<br />-intrinsic<br />-extrinsic<br />Gingival hypertrophy/hyperplasia<br />Oral ulcerations<br />Effects on the salivary glands<br />Drug-induced dysvitaminosis<br />Teratogenic effects in the craniofacial district <br />12. THE ALLERGIC PATIENT<br />Diagnostic protocol<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Therapeutic approach<br />Allergies in odontostomatology : dental prevention<br />13. THE CARDIOPATHIC PATIENT<br />The main cardiac diseases<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Correlated stomatological aspects<br />Pharmacotherapy of the cardiopathic patient<br />14. PATIENTS WITH HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES<br />The main hemorrhagic diseases<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Pharmacotherapy in the patient affected by hemorrhagic diseases<br />15. THE NEPHROPATHIC PATIENT<br />Overview of renal-dialysis-transplant pathophysiology<br />Odontostomatological diseases in nephropathy<br />Clinical odontostomatological and therapeutic approach<br />Pharmacotherapy in the nephropathic patient<br />16. THE HEPATOPATHIC PATIENT<br />Overview of hepatic pathophysiology<br />Odontostomatological diseases in hepatopathy<br />Pharmacotherapy in the hepatopathic patient<br />17. THE DIABETIC PATIENT<br />The main forms of diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2)<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Pharmacotherapy in the diabetic patient<br />18. PATIENTS INFECTED WITH HIV<br />HIV infection<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Pharmacotherapy in patients infected with HIV<br />19. PREGNANT PATIENTS<br />Overview of the pathophysiology of pregnancy<br />Odontostomatological approach<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Pharmacotherapy in the pregnant patient<br />20. THE GERIATRIC PATIENT<br />Clinical and therapeutic approach<br />Dental therapeutic solutions in the geriatric patient<br />Correlated odontostomatological diseases<br />Pharmacotherapy in the elderly patient<br />21. VESICULAR-EROSIVE DISEASES<br />Diagnostic protocol:<br />-Conventional histology<br />-conventional IFI - in salt split skin<br />-IFD<br />Treatment of vesicular-erosive diseases<br />22. THE PHYSICAL BASES OF THE LASER AND ITS MAIN APPLICATIONS IN ODONTOSTOMATOLOGY

Full programme

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BIBLIOGRAPHY: <br />Scully C., Cawson R. : Il trattamento odontoiatrico del paziente affetto da malattie sistemiche-Antono Delfino Editore<br />Regezi , Sciubba : Le malattie della mucosa orale-<br />Ficarra G. : Manuale di medicina e patologia orale- MacGraw-Hill<br /> 

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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