cod. 21356

Academic year 2012/13
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)
Discipline odontoiatriche e radiologiche
Type of training activity
18 hours
of face-to-face activities
2.5 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: DENTO-FACIAL ORTHOPEDICS

Learning objectives

Provide knowledge dental occlusion and masticatory function. classify
various dental disharmonies and dentoscheletriche. Analyze diagnostic methods and therapeutic possibilities.



Course unit content

Special pathology, dentistry and orthodontics (agenesis, supernumerary, trauma, teeth included).
Medical records. Orthodontic diagnosis. Treatment goals. Treatment plan. Therapeutic means (orthopedic braces). Principles of biomechanics. Fixed and removable orthodontic appliances: bands and direct attacks, orthodontic wires, traction intra and extra oral (face bow, elastic and intra interarch), accessories (rapid palatal expander, palatal bar, quad-helix, lip-bumper). Interceptive orthodontics. Orthodontics in adults. Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. Orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate. Orthodontic retainer.

Full programme

Special pathology, dentistry and orthodontics (agenesis, supernumerary, trauma, teeth included).
Medical records. Orthodontic diagnosis. Treatment goals. Treatment plan. Therapeutic means (orthopedic braces). Principles of biomechanics. Fixed and removable orthodontic appliances: bands and direct attacks, orthodontic wires, traction intra and extra oral (face bow, elastic and intra interarch), accessories (rapid palatal expander, palatal bar, quad-helix, lip-bumper). Interceptive orthodontics. Orthodontics in adults. Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. Orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate. Orthodontic retainer.


D.Caprioglio, C.Lanteri, A.Levrini, A.Caprioglio - Ortodonzia Intercettiva- Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 2000.
C.Lanteri - Ortognatodonzia-Edizioni Masson, Milano, 2002.
M.Gandolfini - L'espansore rapido palatino ed il quad-helix - Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 1996.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.

Other information

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