cod. 16743

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
4 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The student should know the basic concepts of biometrics, be able to  apply  the principal statistical tests in medical research and the capability of understanding English texts of scientific, medical or professional matter, in order to get up to date and improve their professional knowledge and skills.


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Course unit content

<br /> Universe, population and sample. Variables and related statistical analysis.Random sampling. Normal distribution.Descriptive statistics : observations, arithmetic mean, median, mode and dispersion : standard deviation and standard error. Confidence limits.Estimation and hypothesis testing : Student's t distribution and t-test for two independent sample means and paired comparison , analysis of variance for two groups , linear correlation and regression. Chi square distribution: contingency tables,  Fisher's exact test, McNemar test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov testNonparametric methods: Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon's signed rank and Kruskal -Wallis tests. Rank correlation test: Spearman's coefficient.Clinical trials: randomization, double blind and informed consensus Terminology: overall medical terminology; specific medical terminology concerning anatomy, physiology and pathology of the acoustic, ophthalmic, pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, osteo-articular and muscular-skeletal apparatuses. Terminology concerning  central and peripheral nervous systems and the endocrine system.Reading and translation of medical-scientific texts.Grammar: articles (a/an, the); countable + uncountable nouns; alphabet + spelling; cardinal + ordinal numbers; personal pronouns; object pronouns; possessive adjectives/pronouns; Saxon genitive; position of adjectives; some/any; much/many , a lot of; there is /there are; how much?/how many? Prepositions; adjectives + adverbs; word order; question forms. Tenses: verbs – to be/to have/have got/can /must/ present continuous/ simple present/ future tenses: (will; -ing; to be; going to)/ present perfect/ past tense/ present perfect continuous + duration form (how long? since/ for)/ past perfect/ past continuous. Modal verbs: can/ could/ be able to/ may/ might/ have to/ may/ may have/ might have/ needn’t/ needn’t have. Conditionals and Past Conditionals: would/ should/ could/ would have/ should have/ could have. The passive voice; Comparatives and superlatives; “if” clauses; relative clauses; linkers (connectors); compound nouns; prefixes and suffixes; irregular verbs; modal verbs – present and past tenses.

Full programme

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<br />"Bio)statistica"  E. Molina, W. Troise Rioda. Editor:  Ed. Scientifiche Oppici<br />"Statistica per disciplineBio-mediche" S. A. Glantz. Editor  McGraw Hill<br />"Say Ah” by Alison Wardle Volume I. Editor: Piccin.<br />“English on duty” by Linda Massari and Mary Jo Teriaca. Editor: Scienza Medica

Teaching methods

<br />Didactics:<br />teaching and learning activities by making use of audiovisual instruments; interactive discussions.<br /> <br />Examination Tests:<br />written exercises of statistical tests translation of English texts; multiple choice questions.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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