Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course -
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Provide students with the necessary tools for the formulation and application of a treatment plan suitable for the diseases under study.


Knowledge of the anatomy and of the physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Course unit content

<br />Definition and classification of spina bifida, meningocele, myelomeningocele, sacral agenesis, lipomas and of related neurological disorders. Sensory and motor malformation-related disorders and associated neurological damage for the sacral, lumbar and dorsal lesion levels and related complications. Motor deficits and compensations in relation to rehabilitative treatment. Observation, evaluation, treatment goals and treatment plans design. Orthoses: use and training on how to use them. 

Full programme

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occardi S.: "Il cammino nella spina bifida". Atti del convegno "Spina bifida: aspetti clinici e rieducativi". Parma, 1982. <br />
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Ferrari A.: "In tema di valutazione del bambino con spina bifida". Gaslini 1995; 27: 289-294. Ed. Minerva Medica. Torino. <br />
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Ferrari A.: "L'arto inferiore nella spina bifida: il punto di vista del neuroriabilitatore". Atti del Congresso di Vicenza del 28 sett. 1996. Ed. Veneta Vicenza, 1997, pp. 69-78. <br />
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Bassi B., Bossi G. Ferrari A.: "I tutori nel mielomeningocele". TOI n° 56 anno 2001. Periodico FIOTO. Ed. Italgrafica. Oria - Brindisi <br />
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Stark G. D.: "Spina Bifida: problem and management". Blackwell Scientific Publication, 1977. <br />
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Further photocopied material will be provided by the professor.

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures for the theoretical part. Observation of patients by means of videos and subsequent classroom discussion of the observations and of the proposals relative to the formulation of a physiotherapy programme.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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