cod. 15468

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
2 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

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<br />
- The student should be able to: <br />
describe, from the legislative point of view, the fundamental stages that have led to the current Health System; <br />
<br />
describe the clinical activities and the techniques for working safely in the pediatric and neuropsychiatric rehabilitation environment; <br />
<br />
describe the activities and techniques for communicating effectively with children and family members in the pediatric and neuropsychiatric rehabilitation environment.


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Course unit content

<br />- The rights of the sick person <br />
- General principles of care taking and ascertainment of the needs of the person <br />
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of interventions <br />
- Hygiene aspects related to the activity: <br />
- Concepts of: infection, hospital infection, infection acquired in health institutions. <br />
- Frequency and most usually detected types of infection. <br />
- Main micro-organisms identified as being responsible for hospital infections. <br />
- Consequences to the sick person, of the work team, social consequences. <br />
- Legislative provisions concerning the prevention of hospital infections. <br />
Circ. Min. San. (Italian Ministry of Health Circular) 52/1985 - 8/1988- National Health Plan 2006-08 <br />
- The spectrum of infection. <br />
- Infection indicators. <br />
- Potentially important variables in the study of infections <br />
- Reservoir control measures <br />
- ? transmission control <br />
- control systems: surveillance concept, laboratory data, patient-oriented data. <br />
- standard precautions and precautions that are supplementary to standards <br />
- occupational risk <br />
-Hygiene of the hands and the use of gloves and barrier devices <br />
- cleaning, disinfection, antiseptics and disinfectants <br />
- general concepts inherent in the main sterilization systems: heat, compressed steam, ethylene oxide <br />
- guidelines for isolation measures <br />
- guidelines for the prevention of surgical infections, <br />
- from the establishment of the SSN (Italian National Health Service) to the reform of D.LGS. (Italian Legislative Decree) 502/92 (notes) <br />
- DL (Italian Decree-Law) 14 September 1994, 743 <br />
- Law 26 February 1999, n. 42 <br />
- Decree 27.07.00 <br />
- Law 10 August 2000, n 251 <br />
- D.M. (Italian Ministerial Decree) 29 March 2001 <br />
- Decree 2 April 2001 <br />
- Deontological code of the orthoptist <br />
- effective communication: influential factors <br />
- communication with the child <br />
- communication with adults <br />
- supportive communication <br />
- empathic ability <br />
- interventions aimed at fostering communication <br />
- assessment of the communication process <br />

Full programme

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- Marzia Canossa’s notes drawn from the Master course in Management with coordination functions in the health work sector of ac. Year 2003/04 <br />
- la prevenzione delle infezioni ospedaliere aa.vv. CAROCCI FABER 2004 <br />
- le infezioni ospedaliere. Prevenzione e controllo CENTRO SCIENTIFICO, TORINO 1993 <br />
- igiene e disinfezione clinica nelle strutture ospedaliere KAPPADUE, MILANO 2002 <br />
J. Luckmann K.C Sorensen PICCIN ed. 1993 trd 1996

Teaching methods

Other teachers of the course: <br />
Emilio Cammi <br />
Federica Picelli

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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