cod. 01177

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Nefrologia (MED/14)
Scienze interdisciplinari cliniche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
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course unit
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Course unit divided into the following partitions:

Integrated course unit module: SPECIALIST MEDICINE I

Learning objectives

<br />The course has the aim to describe to the students the main morbid pictures of nephrologic and urologic interest (etiopathogenetic, clinical and basic therapeutic aspects will be treated).


Exams of preceding semesters passed.

Course unit content

<br /> <br />1) Recall of anatomy and physiology of uro-genital apparatus.<br />2) Physical, laboratory and instrumental semeiotics of uro-genital apparatus.<br />3) Disorders of hydration: dehydration and hyperhydration.<br />4) Electrolyte imbalance: hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia,      hyperkalemia.<br />5) Acid-base disorders: metabolic and respiratory acidosis, metabolic and respiratory alcalosis.<br />6) Primary glomerular diseases and classification of secondary forms (diabetic nephropathy in detail).<br />7) Congenital tubular nephropathies (renal glycosuria).<br />8) Acquired  tubulo-interstitial diseases (acute and chronic).<br />9) Nephroangiosclerosis.<br />10) Congenital renal anomalies (polycystic and multicystic nephropathy in detail). <br />11) Acute and chronic renal failure.<br />12) Dialytic procedures and renal transplantation.<br />13) Urinary obstruction (causes and consequences)<br />14) Urinary tract infection.<br />15) Urinary calculosis.<br />16) Main tumors of the kidney and uro-genital tract (kidney,<br />urinary bladder, prostate, testis).<br />17) Neurologic bladder.<br />18) Urinary incontinence.<br />19) Main drugs of nephrologic interest: diuretics, steroids and immunosuppressants. Short notes on mechanisms of action, indications, untoward effects.

Full programme

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<br /> <br /> <br />- Schena & Selvaggi : Malattie dei Reni e delle Vie Urinarie. McGraw Hill Ed.<br /> <br />- Slides of all lessons provided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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