cod. 15715

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course - Second semester
  • Maria Grazia BRESCIA
  • Ornella CAPPELLI
  • Maria Antonella FABIANI
  • Nicoletta PIAZZA
Academic discipline
Statistica medica (MED/01)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Learning objectives

<br />The course intends to provide students with knowledge of basic tools for collecting and presenting useful data in the clinical and epidemiological field. In particular, the course intends to provided a "work tool" that will allow the student to analyse health phenomena and provide an epidemiological interpretation for the purposes of real primary disease prevention.<br /> 


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Course unit content

<br />• Introduction to statistics (descriptive and inferential; population and statistical units; <br />  variables and scales of measurement) <br />• Corporate health files<br />• The phases of statistical analysis and frequencies <br />• Graphical representations<br />• Measures of position<br />• Measures of dispersion<br />• Outline of inferential statistics <br />• Sampling<br />• Introduction to epidemiology (descriptive and analytical; incidence and prevalence)<br />• Standardisation rates and methods<br />• Epidemiological measures of association<br />• Observational epidemiological studies<br />• Examples of epidemiological studies<br />• Experimental epidemiological studies

Full programme

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Statistica - autore S. Geller - Società editrice Masson<br />Statistica per le professioni sanitarie - autori J Fowler e Al. - Editrice EdiSES<br /> Elementi di metodologia epidemiologica - autore C. Signorelli - Società editrice Universo

Teaching methods

Teaching methods:<br />oral lectures with the aid of slides, and illustration of explanatory exercises; <br />Verification Methods:<br />oral test and with exercises according to the examination timetable. <br />Students' obligations: Attendance of at least three quarters of lecture hours.<br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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