Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course -
Academic discipline
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
of face-to-face activities
course unit

Course unit partition: COMPUTER SKILLS

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide good knowledge of computer use for both study and work. The aspects most closely linked to the legal sector (for example, drafting a thesis in law, finding legal precedents and normative references, the editing of legal proceedings and knowledge of essential paths in future “data transmission processes”) will be framed in the syllabus, at European level, to pass the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) c.d. test. This will help students to prepare for the official ECDL exam in one of the accredited test centres. <br />
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Course unit content

The course will focus on the following subjects, for which one can refer to the analytical descriptions contained in the modules of the syllabus for the ECDL certificate (European Computer Driving Licence) according to the indications in the syllabus version 4.0: <br />
- Basic concepts in information technology (ICT); <br />
- Computer use and file management; <br />
- Word processing; <br />
- Computer networks, Internet and email; <br />
- Main functions of spreadsheet programmes, databases. <br />
The course will focus on the following Cyber law and Information technology law subjects: use of databases and legal searches on internet; IT security; legal protection of software and databases; computer crimes; computer forensics; computer documents; digital signatures and certified email. <br />

Full programme

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In order to prepare for the exam it is recommended to chose one of the following manuals: <br />
BACCALINI, ECDL con ATLAS. La guida McGraw-Hill alla Patente Europea del Computer, McGraw-Hill, Milano, latest ed.; <br />
TIBONE, L’esame per la patente del computer con CD-ROM, Zanichelli, Bologna, latest ed.; <br />
PEZZONI-PEZZONI-VACCARO, La patente europea. Guida completa, Mondadori Informatica, Segrate (MI), latest ed. <br />
In addition, for further information on Cyber law and Information technology law: <br />
DEL SOLE-SARCINELLA, Appunti di diritto e informatica, currently being published. <br />

Teaching methods

The course will take the form of traditional lessons and practice. Seminars may also be organised during the course. <br />
For students who attend: some topics in Cyber law and Information technology law may be explored further during the lessons. <br />
Mid-term tests will be carried out for students who attend the course. <br />
Theoretical and practical exams. The passing of the exam will allow students to take the oral exam from the theoretical module given by Prof. Zanichelli in the same exam session or, exceptionally, in the session immediately after. <br />
Students, who pass the theoretical/practical test but do not take the exam relating to the theoretical module in the same session (or, for valid reasons, in the following session), will have to enrol again for the exam and repeat the tests relating to both modules. <br />
Students, who pass the theoretical/practical test and take the exam relating to the theoretical module in the same session (or, for valid reasons, in the following session) but do not pass it, will have to retake the theory exam, only, within six months, while the result previously achieved remains valid. If six months pass without having taken the exam, students will have to enrol again for the exam and repeat the tests relating to both modules. <br />
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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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