cod. 12944

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Informatica (INF/01)
Discipline informatiche e del linguaggio
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

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<br />
To furnish a method to the students to face the problems of the profession using the methods that computer science makes available. <br />
To teach the use of the programs of base and the management of the projects. 


Internet use

Course unit content

<br />
Hardware. <br />
Natural languages and artificial languages. <br />
Disk operating systems. <br />
Fundamental principles on the communication and the safety of data. <br />
Internet, the copy of data, the communication through the net and the problems of the safety. <br />
The cryptography and the digital signature.   <br />
The communication and the viruses <br />
The privacy law.<br />
The word processing and the layout (WORD 2007). The style sheets in Word 2007 <br />
The  PDF file in the communication. <br />
The HTML language and the style sheets. <br />
HTML in the transfer of the files among different operating systems. <br />
The spreadsheet (ECEL 2007) for  graphics construction in the communication. <br />
Project Management.<br />
Filetype and the files. The grafic files.<br />

Full programme

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<p><br />
<br />
<br />
Giovanni Raho: Informatica: Tecnica, procedure e modelli. Ed. Bottega del libro, Parma 2007<br />
Exercises and particular dispensations from the site <a href=""""></a>   </p>

Teaching methods

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<br />
The verification of the knowledges acquired by the student will be effected with interrogations and exercises during the course and with a final practical test completed by an oral test 

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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