cod. 1000184

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Glottologia e linguistica (L-LIN/01)
Discipline letterarie e linguistiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

To provide students on the one hand with the scientific foundations of the discipline and on the other hand to outline its development from a historical perspective.


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Course unit content

<p>The course is structured in two modules, divided as follows: <br />
Module A (5 learning credits) will deal with the basic concepts of general linguistics, including terminology, and the main communication models, with brief forays into the fields of psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. <br />
Module B (5 learning credits) will provide a brief overview of the history of the discipline, from ancient times to the present day, examining its main theories with particular attention to comparative linguistics on the one hand and to the twentieth century on the other. <br />
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The course includes seminar-based activities and the preparation of a short written contribution which students may be required to present during the course or seminar hours. <br />

Full programme

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The reading list will be provided during the lessons. The main reference texts include: <br />
Leroy M., Profilo storico di linguistica moderna, Bari: Laterza 2002. <br />
Lepschy G., La linguistica del Novecento, Bologna: Il Mulino 1999. <br />
Saussure F., Course in General Linguistics (any edition). <br />

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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