cod. 14713

Academic year 2009/10
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica della materia (FIS/03)
Microfisico e della struttura della materia
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />Basic knoweledge of the main tecniques and processes used in thepreparation of microelectronic devices


<br />Knowledge of thefundamental properties of semiconductor materials

Course unit content

<br />    Introductionon the properties of semiconductor materials. Doping of the semiconductormaterials. Diffusion mechanisms of dopant impurities. Implantation technique.Rapid thermal annealings.<br />Short accounts on the properties of the p/n junction and ofsemiconductor surfaces. Metal/semiconductor contacts. Ohmic and rectifyingcontacts. Resistivity and mobility measurement techniques.<br /> <br />   Growth of bulksingle crystal by Czochralski method. Visit to the bulk growth laboratory(IMEM-Institute).<br />Epitaxial growth techniques: Vapour Phase Epitaxy (VPE, MOVPE),Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Visit to the epitaxial growth laboratories(IMEM-Institute).<br />   Opticallithography. Lithographic processes (resist deposition, exposure,developement). X-ray and Electronic Beam lithography.<br />Process steps for preparation of metal/semiconductor diodes andp/n junctions. Oxidation processes.<br />   Realization(through evaporations and photolithography) of Schottky barriers on GaAs andSi, control of the ohmic contact quality and measurements of thecurrent-voltage characteristics (IMEM-Institute, Electrical measurementlaboratory).<br />   Wet and dry etchings. Plasmaetching, sputter etching and reactive ion etching. Etching tests onsemiconductor materials (IMEM-Institute, photolithography laboratory).Realization of a p/n junction with ¿mesa¿ structure.<br />   Metal deposition by thermal andelectron beam evaporation. (IMEM-Institute, photolithography laboratory).<br />Capacitance vsvoltage measurements of Schottky barriers and p/n junctions.

Full programme

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<br />Lecture notes<br />G. Soncini,¿Tecnologie microelettroniche¿, Boringhieri<br />CRM Grovenor,¿Microelectronic materials¿, Adam Hiler<br />P. Blood and WOrton, ¿The electrical characterization of semiconductor: majority vcarriersand electron states, Academic Press 1992

Teaching methods

Oral lesson and laboratory

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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