cod. 18886

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Pierluigi VIAROLI
Academic discipline
Ecologia (BIO/07)
Discipline ambientali
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />to present aspects of the restoration ecology with emphasis on the floodplain of the Po River floodplain.<br />to apply the main ecological concepts in the restoartion planning<br />to develop a capacity of planning and designing the ecological restoarion of a given environment, with emphasis on sand quarries in the Po river floodplain<br />to develop the capacity of analysing and reporting on a given study case and to defend it in a workshop


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Course unit content

<br />
Lectures (60%)<br />
Ecological theories and concepts as a  support for restoration ecology.<br />
Focus: wetlands and riparian ecotones.  Ecological restoration of floodplain habitats, riparian wetlands and quarry lakes. Ecological design criteria and major targets: pollution control, buffer strips, stream corridors, habitat for biodiversity preservation. Basic concepts of ecological engineering.<br />
Regional and local standards, technical guidelines and operational tools for planning and designing the recovery of quarry lakes in the floodplain of the Po river.<br />
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) <br />
 <br />
Student Workshop<br />
Students are requested to participate in a workshop with a short oral presentation with the support of power point or similar tools. The presentation must deal with a restoration case, considering ecological references, objectives, technical tools, environmental effects, alternatives and a preliminary cost-benefit analysis. All students must participate and interact with the speaker with questions and comments (at least one question per student per presentation).<br />
Field trip<br />
One-day visit in the quarry area of Polesine Parmense (floodplain of the Po River)<br />

Full programme

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<p><br />
Teacher's notes.<br />
Williamson et al., 2003. Restoring habitats of high conservation value after quarrying. Univ. Bangor ( <br />
<br />
National Research Council, 2002. Riparian Areas. Functions and strategies for management. National Academic Press, Washington, USA.<br />
<br />
FISRWG, 2001. Stream corridor restoration. Biologia Ambientale 15: 1-382<br />
<br />
Muzzi E. & Rossi G., 2003. Il recupero e la riqualificazione ambientale delle cave in Emilia-Romagna. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna.<br />
Newbold et al., 1992. Conservazione della natura e ingegneria fluviale. Biologia Ambientale 2/92.<br />
<br />
Autorità di bacino del Fiume Magra, 1998. Elementi di progettazione ambientale dei lavori fluviali. Biologia Ambientale 2/98.<br />
<br />
Marchetti R., 1993. problematiche ecologiche del sistema idrografico Padano. Acqua & Aria, 6-7, Luglio-Agosto 1993</p>
<p><br />
Water framework directive  2000/60/EC (WFD), <br />
<br />
Bollettino ufficiale regione Emilia Romagna, n. 36 del 8 marzo 2008. Linee guida per il recupero ambientale dei siti interessati da attività estrattive in ambito golenale di Po nelle provinvie di PC, PR e RE. </p>
<p><br />
Power point presentations submitted by students<br />

Teaching methods

<br />Teaching methodology<br />Lecturing (2 credits) <br />Student workshop (1 credit) : oral presentation of 10 minutes with 10 slides followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The teacher acts as a chairman. <br />Assessment<br />Minimum 18/30, maximum 30/30<br />Workshop presentation (50%)<br />Analysis of a paper dealing with restoration ecology (50%)<br /> 

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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