Learning objectives
the student will know some basic notions of LIS linguistics, history and culture of the Deaf. Furthermore, they will be able to communicate in LIS at a CEFR level A1.1
no required
Course unit content
The course includes a broad overview of the world of deafness and Italian sign language with a theoretical part and a practical introduction to LIS
Full programme
In detail: the theoretical part
Basic concepts
The parts of the signs
The Stokoe system
The concept of sequentiality in the description of signs
The movement-stop system
Phonological processes
The derivation of nouns from verbs in LIS
Lexicalization of dactylology
Foreign signs
Numeral incorporation
The morphology of the place
the classifiers
Locative verbs
Pronouns and determiners
Temporal aspects
Time in ASL
Derivational and inflectional morphology
In detail: the practical part
Your name
Male and female, deaf and hearing, yes and no
Learning and teaching languages
Numbers up to 10
Same and different: exercises
The numbers (review)
Where do you come from: toponymy
Numbers from 1 to 31
The classroom and objects: describe
Numbers from 1 to 60
Description of the classroom: review
My home
Topography of the House
Review of the house
The numbers again
The week
The months
Your birthday
The date
Numbers up to 100
Describe the house
The family
Introduce yourself by describing your apartment
Some activities: hobbies
Facial expressions review
How are you?
The daily routine
Hobbies again
Orient yourself around the city
Numbers: thousands and beyond
The shape of the person
The face and physical appearance
Family and interpersonal relationships
Describe the landscape
Means of transport. Getting around the city
What time is it?
Food and drinks. Show appreciation
The weekly agenda
T. Russo Cardona, V. Volterra. 2007.Le lingue dei segni. Storia e semiotica. Carocci. Roma.
W. Stokoe, 2021 (trad.). LA STRUTTURA DELLA LINGUA DEI SEGNI. Cesati Editore, Firenze.
P. Celo 2023 Appunti di linguistica pratica di lingua dei segni italiana. Manuale per principianti. Uninova Parma
A mandatory reading among these texts:
P. Celo, 2022. THE MASTER OF SIGNS/IL MAESTRO DE I SEGNI, Soncini Editore, Parma.
O.Sacks, 1990. Vedere Voci. Adelphy ed. Milano.
R. Cavalieri 2022. Il linguaggio, i sordi e la lingua dei segni. Un'introduzione. Le Monnier Università. Firenze
Teaching methods
frontal lesson and interaction with students
Assessment methods and criteria
Theoretical discussion on the topics developed in the classroom and personal presentation in sign language
Other information
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