cod. 18478

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (FIS/07)
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

Provide basic knowledge on some advanced spectroscopic techniques in use today in macromolecular biophysics


Biophysics laboratory exams I and II

Course unit content

<br />Lab. for Bioph. IV <br />
<br />
D) Fluorescence <br />
<br />
Theoretical lectures: <br />
<br />
FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer): Foerster’s theory <br />
<br />
time-resolved FRET <br />
<br />
Fluorescence anisotropy <br />
<br />
Practical activities: <br />
<br />
Fluorescence spectra of a donor-acceptor pair <br />
<br />
FRET of a pair bound to a macromolecule (ensemble measurements) <br />
<br />
Fluorescence anisotropy of a free and bound fluorophore. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
E) Single molecule spectroscopy <br />
<br />
Theoretical lectures: <br />
<br />
Principles of confocal microscopy <br />
<br />
Principles fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) <br />
<br />
Single-pair FRET (spFRET) <br />
<br />
Exercises:< /B> <br />
<br />
Confocal microscope: determination of the confocal volume <br />
<br />
FCS of a free and bound fluorophore (single molecule measurements) <br />
<br />
spFRET in a single molecule of dsDNA. <br />

Full programme

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D) Fluorescence <br />
<br />
- C.R.Cantor, P.R.Schimmel: Biophysical Chemistry, Vol. 2, W.H.Freeman 1980 <br />
<br />
- J.R.Lakowitz: Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy, Plenum 2000 <br />
<br />
- P.R.Selvin: The renaissance of FRET, Nat. Struct. Biol. 7, 730-734 2000. <br />
<br />
E) Single molecule spectroscopy <br />
<br />
- Ch. Zander, J. Enderlein, R.A. Keller: Single molecule detection in solution, Wyley-VCH 2002 <br />
<br />
- B. Valeur, J.C. Brochon: New trends in fluorescence spectroscopy, Springer-Verlag 2001 <br />
<br />
! - A. Cooper: Biophysical Chemistry, RCS 2004.

Teaching methods

Oral exam on the theory topics and on the reports regarding the laboratory exercises carried out

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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