cod. 23547

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali (ING-IND/22)
Discipline ingegneristiche
Type of training activity
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The aim of this course is to provide cross-disciplinary and specific competences about analysis and selection of packaging materials, technologies and plants for food products. <br />
The state of the art and future developments of technical, technological and economics features are discussed. <br />
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Course unit content

<p> INTRODUCTION. Definition of terms. Aims and characteristics of packaging operations. <br />
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CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Chemical structure, characteristics and resistance of materials. <br />
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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. Thermal and optical properties of materials. Behaviour of materials exposed to ionizing radiation. Behaviour of materials exposed to microwaves. Mechanical properties. <br />
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PERMEABILITY OF GASES AND VAPOURS. Permeation mechanism. Permeability measure parameters. Measurement techniques of permeability to gases. Measurement techniques of permeability to steam. <br />
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PACKAGING MATERIALS. Glass. Ceramics and other earthenwares. Metals. Aluminium. Tin plate and other coated steels. Stainless steel. Metal corrosion. Cellulosic materials. Paper and cardboard. Cellophane – Regenerated cellulose. Plastics. <br />
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THE SHELF-LIFE. Problem formulation. Basic strategy in the shelf-life study. Chemistry kinetics laws. Zero order kinetics. Reaction rate and temperature. Shelf-lives at variable temperature. Non linear dependence of the rate of reaction. Packaging characteristics. Shelf-life and oxygen transmission. Shelf-life and moisture transmission. Shelf-life and materials substitution. <br />
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Full programme

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<p>Notes of lessons and different authors. </p>
<p>L. Piergiovanni, S. Limbo, "Food Packaging. Materiali, tecnologie e qualità degli alimenti" Springer Verlag, 2008 <br />
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Gordon L. Robertson, “Food Packaging, Principles and Practice”, 2°ed., Taylor&Francis, USA, 2006</p>

Teaching methods

<p>Oral lesson</p>
<p>Oral examination. <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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