cod. 06139

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - First semester
Alberto Ivo DORMIO
Academic discipline
Ingegneria economico-gestionale (ING-IND/35)
Discipline ingegneristiche
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to: <br />
<br />
- pass on the concepts of operational marketing problems and decisions <br />
- provide a single vision of the structure and operation of complex marketing projects <br />
- develop in students the ability to observe business phenomena with a critical eye. <br />


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Course unit content

 Syllabus: <br />
1) The role of marketing in the firm <br />
2) Understanding the client's behaviour <br />
3) The client's purchase behaviour <br />
4) Measurement of client response <br />
5) The implementation of strategic marketing <br />
6) The analysis of market attractiveness <br />
7) The analysis of the firm's competitiveness <br />
8) Positioning strategy <br />
9) The implementation of operational marketing <br />
10) Decisions to launch new products <br />
11) Distribution decisions <br />
12) Pricing decisions <br />
13) Marketing communication decisions <br />
14) Strategic and operational marketing plan <br />

Full programme

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Recommended reading: Lambin J.J, Marketing-driven management, marketing strategico e operativo, fifth edition, ed. McGraw-Hill

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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