Learning objectives
Conceptual foundations and basic operational skills with GIS software; acquisition, maintainance and interchange of data bases; examples of applications to environmental problems; discussion of technical prescriptions and quality control in tenders for map production
Course unit content
<br />Cartography: conformal and equivalent maps; map contents and map generalization; tolerances; italian maps.<br />Digital cartography: Definitions and differences with traditional maps. Contents of digital maps. Information coding. Structures for data archiving: raster and vector. Raster and vector data; topographic data bases. Raster data: Geometric resolution and discretization of information. Digital terrain models. Digital orthophotomaps. Vector data: structuring geometry and topology. Raster data acquisition: Rasterization of maps, satellite images, orthophotos, DTMs; mosaicking; georeferencing raster data. <br />Vector data acquisition. By photogrammetry, by vectorization of existing maps. Cartographic editing. Numerical cartography for municipalities: contents, technical prescriptions and quality control.<br />Raster data acquisition. Rasterization of maps, satellite images, orthophoto, DTM; mosaicking; georeferencing raster maps. <br />Geographic information systems. Basic components. Manipulation of raster and vector data: connection to external databases; queries; processing of raster data; visualization and representation of results. Examples of GIS software.
<br /> <br />Jones, C.B. (1997): Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography. Addison-Wesley Longman.<br />Documentation provided by the teacher
Teaching methods
<br />Lecture<br />Oral examination