cod. 1010907

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student will have acquired:
- knowledge related to the functioning of computing machines for the digitization of information
- knowledge of application programs for data organization and analysis and preparation of presentations
- the ability to apply these IT tools to real cases of clinical-professional interest
- knowledge related to the responsible consultation of the web for the retrieval of scientific literature data
- knowledge of technologies based on artificial intelligence algorithms for the automated analysis of data and time series in the biomedical field.
The student will be able to discuss the concepts of health promotion, disease prevention and health education, with reference to the evolution of the concepts of health (one-health) in a public health perspective applied to the improvement of the living conditions of individuals and communities.


Logical skills and basic elements of Mathematics. Basic use of computer.

Course unit content

The IT and Hygiene and Public Health modules are integrated in the Course of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, as fundamental components of the modern approach to Health Promotion in individuals and communities.

The following topics will be developed in the IT module:
Computer architecture The representation of information Operating systems and programming languages for data analysis in the scientific field. Software for text production, organization and graphical representation of data, production of presentations Data collection and data organization into datasets. Introduction to artificial intelligence techniques for the automatic analysis of data in the biomedical field.
The following topics will be developed in the Hygiene and Public Health module:
Principles of health promotion, disease prevention and health education applied, by a public health perspective, to individuals and communities
National and international health organization and bases of Italian health legislation.

Full programme

IT module:
Computer architecture (main components, peripheral units, main and secondary memories, CPU, BIOS). The representation of information (binary coding). Operating systems and programming languages for data analysis in the scientific field. Software for text production, organization and graphical representation of data, production of presentations (Office package: Word, Excel, Power Point). Data collection by consulting the main scientific literature databases and data organization into datasets. Introduction to artificial intelligence techniques for the automatic analysis of data and time series in the biomedical field.
Hygiene and Public health module:
Health and disease from antiquity to the present day. The cultural and social aspects of the definition of health starting from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The state of health of the population State and movement of populations Average life, life expectancy at birth, ageing index, infant mortality rate. The health profile of the communities.

Hygiene and Public Health in Italy. Health systems and the organization of assistance in Italy.
The articulations of the National Health Service. Primary care and essential levels of care (LEA).
Health planning in Italy.
The national prevention plan 2020-2025.
International Health and Global Health.
Public health, international health and Global Health with reference to the concept of One health.
THE PROMOTION OF HEALTH AND THE PREVENTION OF DISEASES The determinants of health and disease (proximal and distal). Methods of disease prevention: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention. Health promotion according to the Ottawa Charter. Health education and health literacy: from one-way communication to shared choices.


Signorelli C. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica . SEU, Roma, 2021.
Pontello, Auxilia. Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e salute globale, Piccin 2021
Teaching material used during lessons provided by the teacher through the Elly and Moodle platforms or delivered directly to students in compliance with copyright

Teaching methods

IT teaching is delivered through lectures that are carried out with the help of audiovisual equipments (Power Point presentations). The course is delivered in Italian. For health emergencies following institutional directives, the lessons could be delivered remotely limited to the emergency period. Lectures will be alternated with guided laboratory activities (hands-on sessions on examples and applications).
The Hygiene and Public Health course will be taught through frontal lectures as well as through case reports and interactive sessions that allow students to be faced with real word challenges and to understand how health promotion and public health instruments are relevant and powerful in all health settings.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes a single final exam (written- IT and oral,-hygiene and public health).
The IT module is set on 25-minute written exam including 21 closed questions. The questions have 5 answer options, only one of which is correct. The correct answer is awarded 1.5 points, the unsuccessful or incorrect answer 0 points. The grade reported in the exam is given by the sum of the points obtained (a score greater than 30 results in obtaining a grade of 30 with honors). Non-binding prerequisite for admission to the written test will be the production of a presentation developed in the Office environment on a specific case of data collection and processing from scientific literature.
The Hygiene and Public health exame will be oral. The exam will serve to verify the connection, learning, critical analysis and communication skills acquired by the students at the end of the course.
During the classroom, group works will be organized which will be evaluated during joint presentations.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.