Learning objectives
The clinical training program is intended to provide preparation for research/academic careers in Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology or Personality. Clinical training (in assessment, diagnosis and psychotherapy) is seen as an integral part of the education of highly qualified, creative clinical scientists.
Students who participate in the clinical training program fall under the same general academic requirements as other graduate students in the department.
Course unit content
Specific goals of the program include the following:
Goal 1: To train clinical scientists whose research is informed by clinical practice and a broad knowledge of psychology, such that they integrate theory, research and practice (3 CFU)
Goal 2: To train clinicians whose practice is guided by clinical science and who have the knowledge and skills requisite for clinical internship (6 CFU).
Full programme
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Obligatory texts:
-Ann M Kring, Sheri L Johnson, Gerald C Davison, John M Neale
"Psicologia clinica". Quinta edizione italiana condotta sulla tredicesima edizione americana. Giugno 2017.
- Criteri Diagnostici. Mini DSM-5. Cortina Raffaello, 2014.
Otpional texts:
- Ezio Sanavio, Cesare Cornoldi. Psicologia Clinica. Il Mulino, 2010.
- Manuale Diagnostico e statistic dei disturbi mentali. Quinta Edizione., DSM-5. Cortina Raffaello, 2014.
- Abraham M Nussbaum. L’esame diagnostico con il DSM-5.Cortina Raffaello, 2014.
- Roberto Anchisi, Mia Gambotto Dessy. Manuale per il colloquio psicologico. Franco Angeli,2015.
Teaching methods
Blended learning
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam.
The examination consists of 3 open questions (lne limit:15) to be completed in 45 minutes. Of the 3 questions, 2 will be of a theoretical nature while the third will be a description of a clinical case.
These questions are designed to assess
- the knowledge and skills of understanding;
- the application of knowledge and comprehension skills;
- autonomy of judgement
The grade is expressed in thirtieths and it is necessary to reach the threshold of 18/30 (i.e. a reasonably sufficient preparation in terms of both content and expository language used) in order to pass the examination.
Other information
The core of knowledge gained in these areas is expected to give clinical students a solid foundation of basic psychological science and research methodology from which to launch their clinical training and research
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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