Learning objectives
To provide the basis for dealing with individual and/or population (livestocks) clinical and subclinical problems in order to perform a diagnosis, and to approach the control and the prevention.
Physical examination (Medical Semiology-Propaedeutics) and Medical Pathology.
Course unit content
Internal medicine of livestocks (dairy cattle and swine) and population medicine. Internal medicine of pets and horses with particolar emphasis to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Control measures are importan part of the contents.
Full programme
Herd semeiology: Swine and bovine farms. Bovine health management: metabolic disorders; nutritional diseases, rumen acidosis and alcalosis; nervous system diseases.; Mastitis and mammary gland disorders. Swine health management: reproductive disorders (infectious and non-infectious origin). Parvovirosis. Leptospirosis. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). Neonatal metabolic disorders. Neonatal and post-weaning Enteric disorders . Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVD e PMWS). Porcine respiratory diseases complex. Enzootic pneumonia. Atrophic rhinitis. Swine flu. PRRS. Aujeszky’s disease. Swine dysentery. Neurologic disorders. Postpartum dysgalactia syndrome of sow.
Clinic of pets. Health management of puppies. Health management of old animals. Main infectious diseases of the dog and cat (FIV, FeLV, FIP, parvovirus, coronavirus). Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of: seizures vs syncope, pruritus and alopecia, congestive heart failure, dyspnoea and cough, vomiting and diarrhea, polyuria/polydipsia, icterus, paresis and ataxia, abdominal distension, weakness and exercise intolerance, polyphagia, anemia and hemorrhage, fever.
BALLARINI G.: Malattie della vacca da latte ad alta produzione, Edagricole, Bologna, 1987. BALLARINI G., MARTELLI P.: Clinica suina, Edagricole, Bologna, 1993. Straw B et al.. DISEASES OF SWINE. Blackwell Publishing, 8th edition, 2006. RASSEGNE SCIENTIFICHE SU ARGOMENTI SPECIFICI. RODOSTITS, BLOOD AND GAY TILLEY L.P., SMITH F.W.K.: The 5 minute veterinary csult. Clinca Medica. Seconda ediz. UTET, 2007 BIRCHARD S.J., SHERDING R.G.: Saunders manual of small animal practice. Third edition. Saunders Elsevier, 2006. Nelson R.W., Couto C.G.: Medicina Interna del cane e del gatto. Terza edizione italiana. Masson, 2006.
Teaching methods
Theoretical (in classroom) lessons and practical "problem solving oriented" discussion
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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