cod. 08247

Academic year 2009/10
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Clinica ostetrica e ginecologia veterinaria (VET/10)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: Obstetrics and artificial fertilization

Learning objectives

<br />The objectives of this course are to learn: anaesthesiology, surgery and ultrasonography techniques to diagnose and work out with pregnancies, parturition and complications related. The student should learn the theory and the practice to help normal delivery to resolve dystocia, to take care of new-born in domestic animal (bovine, equine, feline and canine).



Course unit content

<br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of the Mare Reproductive System <br /> Reproductive Hormones (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian and other reproductive hormones)<br />Estrous Cycle<br /> <br />Introduction to Pregnancy Physiology<br /> <br />Pregnancy Diagnosis<br />Methods of pregnancy diagnosis (clinical and laboratory diagnosis)<br /> <br />Diseases and accidents of gestation <br />Abortion         <br />Multiple Pregnancies <br />Uterine torsion <br /> <br />Introduction to Parturition Physiology <br />Sings of parturition<br />Assistance to Delivery<br />Placental release and uterine involution<br /> <br />Induction of Parturition<br /> <br />Neonatology<br />Neonatal Asphyxia<br />Congenital Patent Urachus<br />Meconium Retention <br />Rupture of Bladder <br />Hereditary diseases<br />Traumas of newborn calf<br /> <br />Peri-partum Diseases and accidents <br />Post-partum hemorrhages<br />Vaginal, cervix and uterus prolapse <br />Placental retention<br /> <br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow Reproductive System <br /> <br />Introduction to reproduction physiology <br /> Reproductive Hormones (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian and other reproductive hormones)<br />Physiology of  Estrous Cycle<br />Estrous Cycle<br /> <br />Introduction to Pregnancy Physiology<br /> <br />Pregnancy Diagnosis<br />Methods of pregnancy diagnosis (clinical and laboratory diagnosis)<br /> <br />Diseases and accidents of gestation <br />Abortus <br />Fetal mummification and maceration <br />Extrauterine pregnancy<br />Hydrops of fetal membranes<br />Uterine torsion <br /> <br />Introduction to Parturition Physiology <br />Sings of parturition<br />Assistance to Delivery<br />Placental release and uterine involution<br /> <br />Induction of Parturition<br /> <br />Neonatology<br />Neonatal Asphyxia<br />Congenital Patent Urachus<br />Meconium Retention <br />Rupture of Bladder <br />Hereditary diseases<br />Traumas of newborn calf<br /> <br />Peri-partum Diseases and accidents <br />Post-partum hemorrhages<br />Prolapse of the vagina, cervix and uterus <br />Placental retention<br /> <br />Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Canine and Feline Female GenitalTract <br /> <br />Pregnancy<br />Diagnosis Physiology and duration <br /> <br />Parturition<br />Stages of labour<br />Abortion<br />Puerpueral eclampsie<br /> <br />Post-partum complications<br />Endometritis

Full programme

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<br />Mastronardi M, Minoia P.: Ostetricia e riproduzione degli animali domestici. Editoriale Grasso<br />Sali manuale di teriogenologia Bovina. Essegivi 1996 <br />BOTTARELLI F.: Fertilità e ipofertilità nella bovina. Ed. 'Tep Veterinaria' (1989)<br />CHRISTIANSEN J.: La riproduzione nel cane e nel gatto.Edizione italiana a cura di F. Cairoli e G. Bono EDI-ERMES (1987)<br />FELDMAN E. C.: Endocrinologia e riproduzione del cane e del gatto. - Seconda edizione UTET<br />OEHME F. W., PRIER J. E.: Text Book of Large Animal Surgery. The Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore (1974)<br />PARMIGIANI E.: Appunti di clinica osterica veterinaria e note di fecondazione artificiale. Ed. Coop. Universitaria 'Andrei Rublev' (1986)<br />RICTER, GOTZE: Ostetricia Veterinaria. Edizione italiana a cura di O.Oliva Editoriale Grasso<br />SLATTER D. H.: Trattato di chirurgia dei piccoli animali. Edizioni SBM Noceto (Parma)<br />Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases Roberts Distributed by Edwards Brothers inc. (1971)<br />OJ Ginther: Ultrasonic imaging and reproduction events in the mare. Equi Services WI 5328 USA 

Teaching methods

<br />Teaching and evaluation: the learning is given by theoretic (clinical case movie) and practice lessons. The evaluation of the student is based on a oral and practice exam.<br /> <br /> 

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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