cod. 02886

Academic year 2009/10
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Clinica ostetrica e ginecologia veterinaria (VET/10)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: Obstetrics and artificial fertilization

Learning objectives

<br /> <br />The objectives of this course are to learn: semen collection techniques, evaluation of the semen, cooling and freezing and artificial insemination techniques in domestic animalsl (bovine, equine and canine) <br /> 



Course unit content

<br />The objectives of this course are to learn: semen collection techniques, evaluation of the semen, cooling and freezing and artificial insemination techniques in domestic animalsl (bovine, equine and canine) <br /> <br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of the Stallion Genital System <br />Fertility Test of the stallion<br />Semen collection techniques. Macroscopic and Microscopic evaluation of the semen. Calculation of Sperm numbers and insemination volume<br /> <br />Semen Cooling<br />Semen Cooling and freezing techniques  <br />Artificial insemination using fresh and frozen semen.<br />Hormones of the reproduction (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian and other reproductive hormones)<br />Estrous Cycle<br /> <br />Estrous Synchronization<br />Estrous grouping<br />Techniques for Induction of Ovulation <br /> <br />Embryo Transfer Techniques in the mare<br />Multiple Pregnancies <br /> <br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of the Bull Genital System<br />Fertility Test<br />Evaluation and Storage of Ejaculate<br />Artificial insemination<br /> <br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow Reproductive System <br /> <br />Introduction to Reproductive Physiology <br />Reproductive Hormones (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian and other reproductive hormones)<br />Physiology  of  Estrous Cycle<br />Estrous Cycle<br /> <br />Estrous Synchronization<br />Techniques for Estrous Synchronization in the cow<br />Embryo transfer in the cow<br /> <br />Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology of Canine and Feline Male <br /> GenitalTract  <br /> Fertility Test of the dog<br />Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Canine and Feline Female GenitalTract <br /> <br />Estrous Cycle<br /> <br />Vaginal Cytology <br />Samples Techniques <br />Clinical Relevance <br /> <br />Artificial insemination<br />Semen Collection Techniques<br />Artificial insemination<br /> 

Full programme

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<br />BOTTARELLI F.: Fertilità e ipofertilità nella bovina. Ed. 'Tep Veterinaria' (1989)<br />CHRISTIANSEN J.: La riproduzione nel cane e nel gatto.Edizione italiana a cura di F. Cairoli e G. Bono EDI-ERMES (1987)<br />FELDMAN E. C.: Endocrinologia e riproduzione del cane e del gatto. - Seconda edizione UTET<br />OEHME F. W., PRIER J. E.: Text Book of Large Animal Surgery. The Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore (1974)<br />PARMIGIANI E.: Appunti di clinica osterica veterinaria e note di fecondazione artificiale. Ed. Coop. Universitaria 'Andrei Rublev' (1986)<br />RICTER, GOTZE: Ostetricia Veterinaria. Edizione italiana a cura di O.Oliva Editoriale Grasso<br />SLATTER D. H.: Trattato di chirurgia dei piccoli animali. Edizioni SBM Noceto (Parma)<br />Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases Roberts Distributed by Edwards Brothers inc. (1971)<br />OJ Ginther: Ultrasonic imaging and reproduction events in the mare. Equi Services WI 5328 USA 

Teaching methods

<br />the learning is given by theoretic (clinical cases and movies) and practical lessons. The evaluation of the student is based on an oral and practice exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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