cod. 02007

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Geotecnica (ICAR/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand:
The course aims to provide the basic notions related to the mechanical behavior of soils, with a preliminary introduction of the concepts of continuous mechanics and definitions of forces and tensions. These concepts will be applied in the interpretation of some laboratory tests for the definition of both deformability and strength parameters of soils. Examples of applications in the design of foundations and supporting structures will also be illustrated.

Competence and autonomy of judgement:
Theoretical lessons will be held on the course topics, followed by exercises during which students will have to solve problems related to soil mechanics, determine the strength parameters of materials through the interpretation of laboratory tests and apply these parameters in the evaluation of the effects induced by loads on soils.

Communication skills:
The student will have to acquire appropriate scientific language inherent to the discipline and be able to express both theoretical concepts and their practical application. The student must also write a notebook containing all the exercises carried out and must be able to illustrate his or her own strategies for checking individual cases and describe and argue his or her choices.


Physics institutions

Course unit content

Index properties, soil classification, effective stress principle, geostatic tensional state.

Stiffness and deformability of soils and tensional history of a deposit.

Mechanical behaviour and resistance of soils based on the results of experimental laboratory tests.

Permeability and hints of stationary and non-stationary water flow in soils.

In situ investigations for geotechnical characterization and definition of the underground geotechnical model.

Application of theoretical concepts to the design of foundations and support works.

Application of theoretical concepts of soil mechanics in the evaluation of slope stability.

Full programme

Soil origin. Multi-phase nature and relationship between phases. Classification of soils. Sieve and sedimentary analyses, state limits, characteristic indices.
Soil classification exercises.

Concepts of stress and strength. Continuous medium and stresses. Geostatic tensional state. Mohr circles.
Interaction between solid skeleton and water. Water table. Principle of effective stresses. Determination of stress state in situ. Coefficient of earth pressure at rest. Horizontal effective stress.
Exercises on the determination of the stress state in a soil deposit.

Stress history of a soil deposit. Edometric conditions. Oedometric test. Execution of tests. Representation of results. Preconsolidation stress determination.
Determination of consolidation ratios and indices. Calculation of consolidation settlements.
Exercises on consolidation settlements.

Concept of deformation and failure state. Direct shear test. Drainage conditions in laboratory tests.
Equipment description. Consolidation phase. Failure phase. Representation of the results in the Mohr plan. Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion.
Exercises on the interpretation of a direct shear test.

Standard triaxial test. Test apparatus. Test phases. Possible types of tests. Reproduction of stress paths. Interpretation of experimental results. Study of the mechanical behaviour of fine-grained soils and coarse-grained soils. Determination of deformability and shear strength parameters.
Drained and undrained conditions. Undrained shear strength.
Exercises on the interpretation of a standard triaxial test.

Soil permeability. Permeability coefficient concept. Steady and non-steady flow.

In situ investigations for geotechnical characterization. Subsoil geotechnical model. Technical regulations.

Active and passive forces.
Application examples in the design of support works.

Basic principles for design of shallow and deep foundations.

Basic principles of slope stability analysis.


Renato Lancellotta, Geotecnica, 4^ ed., Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012.

T. William Lambe, Robert V. Whitman (traduzione di Calogero Valore), Meccanica dei terreni, 4^ rist. riveduta, Palermo, D. Flaccovio, 2008.

Lorella Montrasio, Lezioni di Geotecnica, Parma, Ed. Santa Croce.

Riccardo Berardi, Fondamenti di geotecnica, Città Studi Edizioni (quarta ed.)

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons and exercises.
In agreement with the pandemic restrictions, the activities will take place in presence. Lessons will be also available asynchronously (slides and recorded lessons uploaded on the Elly page of the course). During the lessons in synchronous (direct) mode, there will be alternating mainly frontal and interactive moments with the students. To promote active participation in the course, various activities (exercises) will be proposed, both individual and small group, through the use of the resources present in Elly, such as discussion forums and logbooks. The contents of the exercises, collected during the course, will constitute a notebook that the student will have to present at the oral interview.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral interview (70%) including:
- Theoretical questions (knowledge)
- Applications of theory/exercises (competence)

Control of the exercise book (30%) including:
- Theoretical questions (knowledge)
- Original applications of the theory (autonomy of judgment)
- Exposure properties (communication capability)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116


Quality assurance office

Education manager
Ms Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Office E.
Manager E 

President of the degree course

Prof. Alessandro Chelli


Faculty advisor

Prof. Paola Monegatti


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Emma Petrella

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Teresa Trua
