cod. 12846

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Letteratura francese (L-LIN/03)
Lingue e letterature moderne
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The Course aims at trasferring the main notions about Libanese culture and history, with particular reference to the Libanese Civil War and its consequences.


French language: Level C1

Course unit content

The Course aims at transferring to students precise information about Libanese history and culture, with particular reference to the Libanese Civil War, through the reading, textual analysis and commentary of some Libanese contemporary works in French.

Full programme

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- WAJDI MOUAWAD, Incendies, Paris, Actes-Sud, 2003;
- AMIN MAALOUF, Les Désorientés, Paris, Grasset, 2012;
- SORJ CHALANDON, Le quatrième mur, Paris, Grasset, 2013.

A queste opere dovrà essere aggiunta una delle seguenti opere a scelta, da leggere e analizzare in modo critico e personale:
- PIERRE JAWAWAN, Tant qu’il y aura des cèdres, Paris, Editions Héloïse d’Ormesson, 2020 (lingua tedesca);
- RABIH ALEMEDDINE, Les vies de papier, Paris, Editions Les Escales, 2016 (lingua inglese);
- HODA BARAKAT, Le Laboureur des eaux, Arles, Actes Sud, 2001 ;
- CAROLE DAGHER, L’Invité des Médicis, Paris, Philippe Rey Editeur, 2020 ;ANDREE CHEDID, L’Enfant multiple, Paris, Flammarion, 1989 ;
- ANDREE CHEDID, Textes pour un poèmes. Poèmes pour un texte, Paris, Gallimard, 2020 ;
- AMIN MAALOUF, Le Rocher de Tanios, Paris, Grasset et Fasquelle, 1993 ;
- AMIN MAALOUF, Les Échelles du Levant, Paris, Grasset et Fasquelle, 1996 ;
- AMIN MAALOUF, Samarcande, Paris, Jean-Claudel Lattès, 1988 ;
- CHARIF MAJDALANI, Beyrouth 2020. Journal d’un effondrement, Paris, Actes Sud, 2020 ;
- CHARIF MAJDALANI, Histoire de la Grande maison, Paris, Points Seuil, 2006 ;
- CHARIF MAJDALANI, L’Empereur à pied, Paris, Points Seuil, 2018 ;
- CHARIF MAJDALANI, Le Dernier seigneur de Marsad, Paris, Points Seuil, 2013 ;
- WAJDI MOUAWAD, Incendies, Paris, Actes Sud, 2003.

Teaching methods

The didactic methods used during the Course will be:
- lessons in French, with slides and blended lessons;
- videos, documents and other authentic material;
- videos, audios and paper material researched by students during the Course, under the supervision of the Teacher.
Naturally, these didactical methods could be modified, conforming to the University of Parma and of Modena's measures to contain the pandemic crisis, if this could be necessary again.

Assessment methods and criteria

The students' competences will be verified through an Oral Examination in French, that will take place at the end of the Course. The Course could be attended freely.
The Oral Examination will take 30 minutes and the result of it will be communicated immediately to the student for his/her acceptation.
The Oral Examination will include the evaluation of the following competences acquired by the student, who has to demonstrate to be able to:
- illustrate the main contents of the works examined, particularly in relation to the theme of the Libanese Civil war (themes, motives, rhetorical figures, images and symbols, meanings of the study of the spacial and temporal of texts;
- explain the main lines of Libanese history, in relation to the works analysed;
- explain the life and works of the authors.


A sufficient note (between 18/30 and 23/30) will be attributed to students having demonstrated to be able to read in a correct French, translate in a correct Italian, and analyse any passage chosen by the Teacher among the novels presented in the Course.
A note between 24/30 and 27/30 will be given to students who will demonstrate to have a good knowledge of the differents contents of the Course (reading, translating and analyzing any text chosen by the Professor), expressed in a fluent and correct French, as well in a personal and critical way.
Students who will demonstrate to possess a complete knowledge of every contents of the Course, expressed in a personal and critical way and without any error from the phonetic and the expressive point of view, will obtain a note between 28/30 and 30/30.

Other information

More information about the bibliography and the methods of the Course will be given by the Professor, during her lessons.