cod. 1007655

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

In our professional practice as well as in our daily lives we all have to interact with people from different backgrounds, with very different life stories. In the educational relationship, knowledge of a foreign language or mastery of technical skills are not enough to guarantee educational success.
Bilingualism, the inclusive school, child protection, success at school rather than dropping out, all challenge teachers in the daily management of the classroom. What are the sensitive dimensions of intercultural encounters? How to take into account the other in his singularity and in his multiple belongings?
The course aims to explore the theories developed in the field of psychology that enable us to understand the relationships between the cultural environment, the formation of the self, identity and group functioning, from a complex, non-reductionist perspective.
It will also analyse individual psychological processes and the cultural dynamics at work in professional educational work.


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Course unit content

The course proposes an ideal pathway that starts from the analysis of the processes underlying the very first and primordial relationships between infant and adult and leads to the reading of the interrupted dynamics and psychological consequences of social asymmetries. In this perspective, the school environment has a privileged position because it is the place where family and institution, culture of origin and culture to be acquired, meet. But it is also the gymnasium where much of the destiny of tomorrow's individuals and adults is decided. From this point of view, the processes of construction of the image of oneself and of the other, the need for affiliation and the drive towards autonomy will be addressed. The topics dealt with theoretically will be addressed in the light of the dynamics of contemporary society, highlighting their application to the themes of migration, globalisation and multiculturalism.

Full programme

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Oltre al materiale costituito dalle 15 UD disponibili online, i testi da consultare sono i seguenti:
1) Tajfel, H. (1981). Gruppi umani e categorie sociali. Bologna: Il mulino
Terza parte-Capitolo 6: Psicologia sociale delle minoranze.(395-447) (52pp)
2) Speltini, G. (2002). Stare in gruppo. Bologna. Bologna:Il mulino. (140 pp.)
3) Shaffer, R. (1998). Lo sviluppo sociale del bambino. Milano:Raffaello Cortina Editore
Capitolo 3. La costruzione delle prime relazioni (121-182) (61 pp)
4) Fruggeri, L. (1997). Famiglie. Roma: Carocci Editore.
Capitolo 3 Processi simbolici e dinamiche familiari (69-110) (41pp)
Capitolo 4 I processi evolutivi nelle famiglie (111-148) (39pp)
5) Moro, M. R., De La Noe, Q., Mouchenik, Y., Baubet, T. (2009). Manuale di psichiatria transculturale. Dalla clinica alla società. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Introduzione. Pensare e agire in situazione transculturale in Italia e in Francia: prospettive transculturali per tutti (La sfida del meticciato; Un altro me stesso in relazione con me; La tentazione della singolarità; Il meticciato è una conquista attiva che appartiene a tutti; L'ostacolo ideologico; La generosità e i limiti del nostro concetto di integrazione; Un legame sociale da rafforzare; Donne e uomini nomadi; Invitare nuove forme di trasmissione) (13-20) (7pp)

Teaching methods

The course does not require compulsory attendance and is delivered both online and face-to-face. The material prepared for the online mode is organised in 15 interactive teaching units. Each unit/lesson requires approximately 2.5 hours for studying and carrying out the suggested activities, plus the time needed to prepare for the oral interview.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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