cod. 1010270

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro (SPS/09)
Discipline metodologiche, informatiche e dei linguaggi
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding (Descriptor 1 = knowledge and understanding), students must have acquired fundamental knowledge on the main concepts concerning the theme of the digital economy and digital culture. In particular, the student must have acquired the fundamental knowledge inherent to the major socio-relational and cultural issues inherent to the relationship between human beings, the environment and the digital economy.
Applied knowledge and understanding (Descriptor 2 = applying knowledge and understanding) students will have acquired those analytical skills essential to discuss in a clear and exhaustive way possible proposals and reflections concerning problems and issues of varying complexity in relation to the topics covered in the course of teaching.
Autonomy of judgment (Descriptor 3 = making judgments) students both during and in particular at the end of the teaching course must be able to independently analyze the main topics covered in the teaching with the aim of knowing how to relate to them critically.
Communication skills (Descriptor 4 = communication skills) students must have mastered the terminology inherent to the topics covered in the teaching and must be able to autonomously articulate a discourse on the topics and problems dealt with. Ability to learn (Descriptor 5 = learning skills) students will have acquired those bibliographic and linguistic-lexical tools to independently develop a critical reflection on the potential but also on the criticalities of the digital economy.



Course unit content

Some of the major social and communicative issues of the impact of digital media on society will be discussed in the lectures. The economic and cultural opportunities of the Web society will be highlighted but also some social risks and criticalities with a specific reference to the new forms of gender-based violence.

Full programme

- The Web as a new space for relationships.
- The digital space and its characteristics.
- The digital relationships between opportunities and social risks.
-The example of the CYBER-VAWG violence against women online.
- The digital economy between opportunities and limits.
- Videogames as a cultural product.
- Working in the video game industry.
- The digital cultural heritage.
- Digital resources to experience the museum environment.


- G. Lughi, A. Russo Suppini, Creatività digitale. Come liberare il potenziale delle nuove tecnologie, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015.

- F. Pagnotta (a cura di), Ecologia della Rete. Per una sostenibilità delle relazioni online, prefazione A. Pellai, postfazione G. Riva, Collana University&Research, Erickson, Trento 2018.

Teaching methods

The teaching activities will be conducted through the method of the frontal lesson /presentation and the method of the lesson Heuristic/ Socratic; a sequential type of expositive teaching (with steps of knowledge) will be alternated with a hypothetical or heuristic teaching based on questions/ stimulus. This mode of teaching aims to promote in the students the autonomous research of meaning on the topics of the frontal lessons. With the use of the Simulation/Role playing and Cooperative Learning methods, we will try to involve the students actively in the construction of the lesson.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of five written questions on the topics of the lessons and on the contents of the two reference books.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.