Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: the course aims to enable the student to
have a general knowledge and understanding of the main properties of
animal origin products as well as oils and fats and preserves(composition,
microbiology, texture, also in relation with the main features of processes
and shelf-life) compared to the description made by different
communication channels (laws, mass-media, advertising etc). Another
objective of this class is to transfer knowledge about the factors
involved in sensory perception of food, the different types of sensory
analysis techniques, the proper modes to carry out sensory tests and to
analyze the results
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The class aims to enable students to apply the knowledge learned in the
employment context identified in the areas covered by the employment
opportunities typical of the degree course
Making judgments: the course aims to enable the student to begin to
develop an autonomous capacity to draw conclusions thanks to the skills
learned to seek and gather relevant data, interpret them and use the
most appropriate to communicate scientifically sound information
Communication skills: the course aims to enable the student to
communicate the knowledge about products to people expert and/or not
Learning skills: The course aims to give students the learning skills
Nothing to declare
Course unit content
The course deals with the main characteristics (composition, chemistry,
structure) of a wide range of animal origin food, oils and fats, preserves, alchoolic and analchoolic beverages, cocoa, tea and cofee
used as food and as an ingredient in other foods, with a particular
attention to their links with key aspects of the method of production,
territorial origin, labelling, marketing and consumption, shelf life.
The furnished knowledge will permit to make a link between the
technical-scientific literature and the communication proposed by other
information channels (laws, mass media, advertising, etc.).
Full programme
Food of animal origin
Enriched milk
Condensed milk and powdered milk
Yogurt and fermented milk,
Cream, butter and Mascarpone cheese
Ricotta cheese
Fresh cheese, Italian mozzarella
Traditional Italian cheese
Vegetable oils
Animal fats
Olive oils and its sensory analysis
Margarine, shortenings
Vegetable, animal and fruit preserves
Meat product technology:
Cooked ham, meat emulsions, mortadella bologna,
Parma ham, coppa, bacon, other Italian products,
Natural and artificial casings
- Wine (harvest, wine making with and without maceration, stabilizing treatment, aging and physico-chemical and sensory changes, defects and alterations of wines).
- Special wines (rosé, fortified, sparkling, raisin wines).
- Spirits
- Non-alcoholic beverages: fruit juices and soft drinks.
- Nerve food: coffee and tea.
Slides provided from teacher and other materials
dealing with product
Supplementary materials:
Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero - casearia -Qualità e sicurezza
Mucchetti Neviani
The chemistry and technology of edible oils and fats and their high fat
products- Academic Press
Industria dei salumi-Edagricole
Sensory evaluation techniques 3rd edition, Meilgaard, Civile, Carr, CRC
Press, 1999
Teaching methods
The course will consist of videorecorded teacher lectures with slides provided to the
students and uploaded every week on the Elly platform.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam is a written exam for both modules.
The written text (I module) consists of 4 questions
about general topics relating to the whole program
of the course. From the answers given by the
student, the teacher tests his/her ability to
understand the different food products topic of the
course and the interconnections between products
and their characteristics. There are no tests during
the course. The teacher will assess the degree of
understanding of the subject by the completeness of
the responses and the ability of the student to
established connections between the various topics
giving a score
commensurate with the expressed understanding
and capabilities that will be the score achieved for
the overcoming of the module.
The written exam consists of 8 answers each of them with the same weight on the overall evaluation.
The overall evaluation, using a 0/30 scale, is the sum of the points obtained in the single questions.
The final score of the course will be the arithmetic
mean of the scores of the two modules. The final
marks will be published as soon as possible on
Esse3 platform. The students can make an
appointment with the teacher to discusss about the
final mark and view the results.
In the case of the necessity to integrate with the
remote mode due to the persistence of the health
emergency, the exams will be carried out through
written or oral questions in a remote mode by Teams platform.
Other information
Nothing to declare