cod. 1007701

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Maria Olga VARRÀ
Academic discipline
Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale (VET/04)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, it is expected students to able to:
- Know the composition and variability of the major factors that have a direct effect both upon the quality and the safety of meat and fish products.
- Identify the main processes that hake place after the death of the animal directly influencing the product quality.
- Identify pathogenic, spoilage and industrial use microorganism in meat and fish products together with the conditions that could favour and/or inhibit their growth.
- Know the main mechanisms and techniques used to ensure quality control.
- Be able to set, stablish and manage new protocols intended to be applied in quality control systems related with distribution and commercialisation of foodstuffs.
- Be able to critically analyse and interpret using the scientific method, data and evidence related with different aspects linked to quality assurance.
- Be able to efficiently communicate, both written and spoken, different topics liked to the various aspects covered during the course, appropriate language and terminology.
- Be able to develop a sense of self-directed learning, organisation, planning and making decisions in a multidisciplinary work environment.


Even though it is not compulsory for the objectives of the course, it is advisable for the students to have the following prerequisites in order to acquire the necessary acquaintances to pass the course as well as to develop ulterior competences:
- A good basis of general biology, microbiology, general chemistry and biochemistry.
- English language (level B2 or higher).

Course unit content

The course will be structured in four different modules intended to provide the students both a general basis and specific knowledge regarding the various aspects linked to the quality of meat and fish products.

MODULE 1 – Introduction and basic concepts.
MODULE 2 – Meat quality, preservation and alteration factors.
MODULE 3 – Fish quality, preservation and alteration factors.
MODULE 4 – Instruments, control techniques and quality management.

Full programme

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Alasalvar, C & Taylor, T (2002) – Seafoods: quality, technology and nutraceutical applications. Ed. Springer.
Krämer, J & Cantoni, C (2011) – Alimenti, microbiologia e igiene. Ed. Tecniche nuove.
Tiecco, G (2001) – Igiene e tecnologia alimentare (2ª edizione) Ed. Edagricole.
In addition to this list of books of general content, during the course the students will be provided with additional material regarding the various topics covered during the lectures.
Slide presentations and any other material used, will be also considered as an integral part of the teaching material and periodically uploaded to the Elly platform.

Teaching methods

- Alternate frontal and dialectic lectures via case study discussion within the classroom so as to bring out prior knowledge from the students.
- The methods of teaching and testing may be subjected to modifications depending on changes in the current emergency situation. Any adjustment will be promptly communicated on Elly platform and / or on the course website.

Assessment methods and criteria

The module’s evaluation will be conducted as follows:
- Final written tests including:
a) Multiple choice questions so as to ascertain the optimal knowledge of key concepts.
b) Open-ended questions in order to determine the students’ capacity to develop, in an integrative and succinct manner, different topics covered during the lectures.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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