cod. 1008537

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Microbiologia agraria (AGR/16)
Discipline delle tecnologie alimentari
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge of: Microorganisms structure, physiology, genetic and metabolism , Microbial growth, survival and metabolites production DNA, RNA and protein expression. Genetic modification of prokaryote and eukaryote cells Intrinsic and extrinsic enviromental factors affecting microbial growth and phenotype expression
The course is aimed to give a critical insight about the microbiology applied to food systems and food industry.


basic knowledge of microbiology, mathematics and chemistry

Course unit content

Deep Knowledge of: Microorganisms structure, physiology, genetic and metabolism , Microbial growth, survival and metabolites production Intrinsic and extrinsic enviromental factors affecting microbial growth and phenotype expression
The course is aimed to give a critical insight about the microbiology applied to food systems and food industry. The possible applications (i.e. formulation of innovative products, shelf life determination, evaluation of safety, HACCP, risk analysis, etc.) will be discussed. The most important statistical and mathematical instruments available will be analyzed in relation to the interpretation of resultsand their significance
The different sections in which the course is subdivided will be structured in theorical lessons and practical examples regarding food fermentations and food microbiology. In particular, case studies will be proposed inherent to microbial growth under different conditions, death kinetics following sanitizing treatments (thermal and not thermal), shelf life evaluation of foods and growth of pathogenic bacteria or toxin production.

Full programme

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Materials provided during the lessons.
Lecture notes.

Teaching methods

The theoretical topics of the course are explained through lessons.
The basics and applications of food microbiology will be discussed during the lessons. The study, the elaboration and the discussion of specific "case studies are proposed in order to enable students to verify the students' comprehension and processing ability

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course, some lessons will be devoted to assessing the learning status.
In progress it will be assigned and discussed "case studies" useful for verifying the state of learning and the ability to elaborate the basic notions of food microbiology
At the end of the course a written exam will be held, with possible oral examination related to the questions not fully overcome.
The passing of the exam and the final grade will be determined by assigning to the different questions a defined percentage of the overall grade.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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