cod. 1005663

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Alessandro PIRONDI
Academic discipline
Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine (ING-IND/14)
Ingegneria meccanica
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will know the construction materials, their mechanical strength and joining technologies, the architecture of an automatic machines according to the hourly production rate, the design rules of the pressure vessels. It will also have knowledge of the main regulatory issues which concern the points previously described.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to deal with problems of design and strength of machines and mechanical elements peculiar to the food industry.


Though not mandatory, the knowledge of machine design principles, CAD and FEM is wellcome

Course unit content

- Materials: materials used for food machinery construction, regulations concerning the use of materials in contact with food, weldability, corrosion and stress-corrosion, wear, static and fatigue strength.
- Machineries: regulations and principles of hygienic design, architecture of automated machineries, FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis).
- Pressure vessels and pipings: regulations, theory of shells under local bending

Full programme


available at the Engineering Faculty bibliotheque.
- AA.VV., Metals Handbook 9th ed., American Society for Metals, Metals
Park, OH, USA.
- S.P. Timoshenko, S. Woinowsky-Krieger, "Theory of plates and shells",
McGraw-Hill, NZ, 1987.
- R.V. Brink et al., "Handbook of fluid sealing", McGraw-Hill, USA, 1993.
- P.R. Smith, T.J. Van Laan, "Piping and pipe support system: design and
engineering", McGraw-Hill, USA, 1987.

Teaching methods

Class lectures and exercises. The lectures are given with the support of PowerPoint slides. The exercises consist in carrying out numerical examples of the topics covered in class. A cycle of tutorials will also be carried out in the computer lab on the use of Solid Works software for 3D design, multi-body analysis and finite element modeling.
According to the authorization of the Director of the Department, in case of the impossibility of the teacher to be in the classroom for health reasons and after notifying the students, the lesson will be held online in a synchronous or asynchronous way.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of a written test and the oral discussion of a group project carried out in collaboration with food machinery manufacturers. The written test consists of an open-ended question or an exercise for each of the three macro subjects of the course. The maximum score is 30/30. The oral discussion of the project involves an increase in the score of the written test up to three points, according to the methodological appropriateness, originality, content, and clarity of exposition.

Other information