Learning objectives
The couse aims to provide the student with the fundamental concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics, through examples and exercises. During the course, the student will learn how to discuss and solve simple problems, to understand and describe physical phenomena as well as the physical properties of matter that he can experience in everyday life.The course will provide the following skills:
- knowledge of the correct scientific terminology used in Mechanics and Thermodynamics.- knowledge of the fundamental laws that describe the physics of Mechanics and Thermodynamics;- solving simple problems, analytically and numerically;- developing a rigorous scientific language, to transmit accurately the knowledge acquired and to describe physics phenomena;- critical assessment of his advancement in the study of physics;- critical discussion of the results obtained while solving physics problems, in particular focusing on errors and non-physical results; - to formulate simple observation and adequate predictions in real-life situations involving the physics of this course.
Basic Mathematical analysisTrigonometry, equations and systems of equations, exponential, logarithm, real variable functions, limits, derivatives and integrals.The first lessons of the couse will be focused on the bases of vectorial calculus.
Course unit content
Physical quantities, scientific notation (2 h)
Vectors (2 h)
Kinematics of point particles (6 h)
Dynamics of point particles (6 h)
Work and energy (4 h)
Momentum (4 h)
Collisions (4 h)
Dynamics of rotational motion (6 h)
Rotation of rigid bodies (6 h)
Equilibrium (6 h)
Gravitation (4 h)
Mechanical waves (2 h)
Fluid dynamics (2 h)
Temperature and heat (6 h)
First law of thermodynamics (6 h)
Second law of thermodynamics (6 h)
Full programme
Physical quantities. Standard and units, unit consistency; Errors, significant figures
Vectors: Scalars and Vectors, Vectors Operation, Overlapping Principle, Derivative of a Vector
Particle point kinematics. Vectors position, displacement, velocity and acceleration; Radial and tangential acceleration; Classification of motions: motions; Motions in 1D (constant speed, constant acceleration, harmonic oscillations), motions in two dimensions (projectile motion, motion in a circle); Reference systems.
Particle Point Dynamics. Newton's laws; weight, normal forces and frictional forces, elastic force; Dynamics of circular motion; Inertial and non-inertial reference systems.
Energy and work. The work of a force, the power; Examples of work of constant and varying forces; Conservative forces and potential energy; kinetic energy; work-energy theorem; Conservation of mechanical energy.
Momentum and impulse; particle systems; momentum conservation; center of mass, the motion of the mass center; collisions.
Dynamics of rotational motion of a particle. Torque, Angular momentum, Newton's second law, angular momentum theorem, kinetic energy of a rotating material point, generalizations to particle systems.
Rigid Body Dynamics. Rigid bodies; Translational motion of a rigid body, position of the center of mass; Rotational motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis; Moment of inertia and parallel axis theorem; Rotational kinetic energy and work; rolling without sliding motions, the conservation of the angular momentum.
Equilibrium of a rigid body. Solving rigid body equilibrium problems.
Newton's law of gravitation. Gravitational force and gravitational field; The gravitational potential energy; The Kepler’s laws
Mechanical waves: types of mechanical waves, superposition and wave interference, waves on a strings, mathematical description of a wave, standing waves on a string, beats.
Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems; Temperature and thermometers; ideal gas law; Thermodynamic work, heat and laws of thermodynamics (zeroth, first and second law); Thermodynamic processes; heat capacitance and calorimetry; Carnot cycle, heat engines and refrigerators, efficiency and coefficient of performance; entropy.
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Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, where the main concepts will be discussed with examples and simple problems. Each part of the course in completed by a number of hours dedicated to exercises.
Assessment methods and criteria
Two "infra annum" written tests will be carried out during the course. If these are both successful, those wishing to take the exam in the first two exam sessions (in January or February) will have direct access to the oral exam. The final judgment will be based on the outcome of the latter and on that of the two written tests. In some cases, if the tests have been successful, a final evaluation will be proposed directly to the student, exempting him from the oral test.
Multiple choice exercises will be proposed both in the final exam and in the exercises. The correct answer, accompanied by an explanation, is worth 1 point, the correct ones but without an explanation are worth ½ point, while the wrong answers involve a penalty of ½ point. The texts of the exams given previously are not available.
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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