cod. 1008996

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Michele ZAZZI
Academic discipline
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Ingegneria ambientale e del territorio
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

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Course unit content

The Course is divided in four learning modules:
1. An outline the historical evolution of the city in the Western context, with attention to the events of the city and the territory Italian Unit to date. In the discussion of urban nineteenth-twentieth century will mention some disciplinary experiences of European importance in the history of urbanism;
2. Schedules terminologies and nomenclature used in the planning and urban studies and applications:
3. A first learning of the Italians planning regulations, with regard to the joint legislative national and regional level, the types of planning instruments in force, until you get to the practical use of simulation planning rules for intervention hypothesized in areas subject to exercise;
4. The main issues relating to the contemporary city (urban sprawl, land use, redevelopment and urban regeneration, management of complex urban systems, techniques for adapting to climate change), highlighting methodological issues and application experiences.

Full programme

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Main texts
Gabellini P., Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, 2001.
Mercandino A., Urbanistica Tecnica. Manuale per le indagini, le proiezioni, la diagnosi e il progetto, Ed. Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2001.
Morbelli G., Un’introduzione all'urbanistica, F. Angeli, Milano, 1986.

Recommended readings
Campos Venuti G. e Oliva F., Cinquant'anni di urbanistica in Italia: 1942-1992, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1993.
Secchi B., La città del ventesimo secolo, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005.
Musco. F., Rigenerazione urbana e sostenibilità, F. Angeli, 2016.
Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, CittàStudi Edizioni, Milano 2017.
Zucconi G., La città contesa: dagli ingegneri sanitari agli urbanisti (1885-1942), Jaca Book, Milano, 1989.

Topics covered by the course will be made explicit through educational materials in the form of further bibliographical and of slides and notes available in the web page of the course in the Elly platform (http://elly.dia.unipr.it).

Teaching methods

The theoretical part of the course will be articulated through lectures with audio-visual aids, while the technical content will be objects of discussions in a seminar format.
The application part of the course will be developed through group activities that will conclude with an exhibition and a collective discussion on the results that the students will have received.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment will be carried out through:
- conducting exercises through which students manifest the degree of knowledge and mastery of the topics covered in the course;
- the preparation of group work that will focus on the analysis of planning tools;
- the final interview exam.
Final assessment will be carried out through an oral examination on the contents of the lessons.
For the assessment exam, the score will be determined as follows:
Written individual exercises 10%
divided as follows:
- conceptual correctness 5%
- clarity 5%
Group work 40%
divided as follows:
- diligence and task focus 5%
- accuracy of the assessments made 30%
- ability in graphics and statement 5%
Oral exam 50%
divided as follows:
- theoretical correctness 35%
- property and clarity 15%

Other information

It is recommended to attend the course and conduct exercises that will be conducted periodically in the classroom.