cod. 13163

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica industriale (ING-IND/10)
"discipline dell'architettura e dell' ingegneria"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The intention of the course is to provide students with the cognitive elements for understanding the operation of heating systems and for carrying out inspection and sizing operations.


Knowledge of the content of the programmes of the Technical Physics courses.

Course unit content

<br />Purpose of thermotechnical systems. Thermohygrometric well-being. Interaction between human body and environment. Quality of air in environments. Heating system components. Flow resistance in water pipes and air ducts. Valves. Filters. Expansion tank. Pumps. Compressors. Radiators. Fan coils. Wall-mounted heaters. Radiant panels. Boilers. Flues. Water, air, steam, superheated water systems. Characteristics of buildings. Transparent and opaque walls. Transmittance. Orientation of surfaces. Day Degrees. Heating period. Volumic coefficient of heat losses. Air exchanges. Surface condensation. Interstitial condensation, Glaser analysis. UNI standards and energy saving legislation. Conventional energy requirement, FEN (Normalized Energy Requirement) and requirement per surface unit. Energy certification of buildings. Combustion. Stoichiometric air and calorific value. Explosions. Fire. Fire load. Building class. Fire prevention. Water supply in buildings. Quality and pressure requirements. Production of domestic hot water and sizing of boilers. Water systems. Solar energy. Angle of incidence of a direct ray of sunlight, solar constant. Solar power on inclined surfaces. Active systems. Passive systems, the Trombe-Michel wall. Solar concentrators. Solar panels. Performance curves of air and water solar panels. 

Full programme

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Professor's lecture notes.

Teaching methods

The lectures consist of the presentation of the theory followed by exercises and applications. Assessment is by means of two written tests.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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