cod. 1008788

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Giorgio TRIANI
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
"discipline tecniche dell'informazione e della comunicazione"
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

To have knowledge (critical) of the main processes / mechanisms of the "communication industry".
Being able to write / communicate with a clear and essential style both journalistic articles and press releases and advertising messages.
Mastering the tools useful for accessing future professions in social media


creativity and opened mind

Course unit content

The teaching considers the growing and central role of socialmedia.
With particular reference to news and advertising, having as the main reference the web.

Full programme

The teaching considers the growing and central role of socialmedia.
With particular reference to news and advertising, having as the main reference the web.
An overview of the communications system and the review of key concepts of communication&mass communications.
Which will also refer to the main schools and major thinkers and will be fully proposed in the blended version, with bibliography and sitography

The legislative and market situation regulating the entire sector of (tele) communications will be the subject of the second part. In this context, the condition and role of journalists / communicators will be analyzed. In a forward-looking perspective. Since AI and big data, apps and AR will be increasingly used in newsrooms and communication&adv agencies.
Particular attention, in the third part, will be reserved to the language and writing that journalists and communicators must adapt to the various formats and narrative means.
The lessons will be minimally structured in traditional ways. Analysis and reflections will be made live and online. Participants are asked to be creative and open mind in real time, during the (quick) tests and exercises that will characterize each classroom appointment. These exercises from time to time will cover news, social media, advertising. It could e the effective writing of a post or a tweet, the conception of an advertising claim, the creation of an Instagram story ...


3 books for exam
1.G. Triani ( a cura di), Giornalismo aumentato. Attualità e scenari di una professione in rivoluzione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017
2. Uno a scelta fra questi tre: G.Triani, Allegre apocalissi. Il futuro (remoto) che ci attende, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2018; G.Triani, Il futuro è adesso. Società mobile e istantocrazia, Edizioni San paolo, Milano, 2014 (anche in verisione e-book); G.Triani, L’ingorgo. Sopravvivere al troppo, Eleuthera, Milano, 2011 ( con particolare riferimento ai capitoli dedicati ai media, alla pubblicità e ai consumi).

3.A book chosen from the following:
3.1 Classici
M.McLuhan, Gli strumenti del comunicare, il Saggiatore, Milano, 2011 ( 1ed. 1967) V.Packard, I persuasori occulti, Einaudi, Torino, 2007 (1ed.1957) N. Postman, Divertirsi da morire, Marsilio, Venezia, 2001

3.2 temi emergenti
J.Berger,Contagioso. Perché un'idea e un prodotto hanno successo e si diffondono, Milano, Sperlig&Kupfer, 2014
F. Nicodemo, Disinformazia. La comunicazione al tempo dei social media, Marsilio, Venezia, 2017
A.Amato - M.Maffucci, Rivoluzione youtuber, Roma, Paper First, 2018
D. Nalbone. P. Pulifiato, Slow Journalism, Roma, Fandango libri, 2019
M. Pogliani, Professione influencer, Palermo, Flaccovio editore, 2019

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, videos, commercials and web campaigns. Live and online writing exercises on journalistic and advertising topics. Final evaluation in 30th based on oral exam and post (4) written for the course newspapers: journal of water environment and landscape (2);, webmagazine of Parma (1), narrative e-commerce site (1).

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam: to access the candidate must have written 4 post, previously agreed with the teacher, by topic and type (journalistic insight, inquiry, interview)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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