cod. 1008611

Academic year 2022/23
5° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
0 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

In the final dissertation the graduating student should demonstrate knowledge of the topics, critical independent thinking and the ability to communicate with an adequate language and scientific rigor


The procedure for submitting the application for admission to the graduation exam is exclusively online.

The documentation must be delivered to the Careers Organization Unit and Services to Students of the Degree Courses of Agri-food and Pharmaceutical address within the term of thirty days from the date of the graduation session. The student must also complete all the exams, including the internship, 10 days from the date of graduation and deliver the dissertation 7 days from the date of the graduation session.

At the end of the compilation or experimental thesis work, the student must make available to the Examining Commission a copy of the thesis and discuss his thesis (about 10 minutes) using computer supports

Course unit content

The final exam involves the public discussion of an experimental thesis based on research activities previously carried out at university or non-university laboratories in Italy or abroad that are presented in the form of a paper and presentation on computer support.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

The graduation Commission after the presentation and discussion of the thesis by the student will proceed with the assignment of the mark in 110.

The final score is composed of a "basic" score, resulting from the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the individual exam results expressed on a 110 basis, increased, as a rule, as specified below:

- a maximum of 6 points are assigned by the supervisor on the basis of the achievement of the objectives set by the first three Dublin descriptors: knowledge and understanding, ability to apply the knowledge and information acquired during thesis work and autonomy of judgment in carrying out the work;

- a maximum of 2 points awarded by the Commission on the basis of the ability to discuss and support the theses formulated as well as on the basis of the communication skills and clarity demonstrated by the student in the presentation of the work performed;

- 1 point if the "basic" score is equal to or greater than 100/110;

- 1 point if the master's degree is obtained "in progress" (within 5 years, established as the legal duration of the course of study, starting from the year of enrollment);

- 1 point if the student has acquired at least 9 credits in activities carried out abroad

Laude can be attributed, with the unanimous opinion of the Commission, only if the "basic" score is equal to or greater than 102/110. The Commission, at its discretion, can assign the assessment of 110/110 to graduating students with an overall score of 109/110.

The following conditions need to be satisfied to award the candidate with a honorable mention:

to have completed all the exams within the legal duration of the degree

at least 10 exams with a grade equal to 30/30 and laude;

no more than one exam with a grade lower than 30/30.

A mention will be given to candidates who have played the role of student representatives in University Bodies upon request and with a documented participation in at least 2/3 of the scheduled sessions.

Degree exams are public.

Other information

1 credit is assigned to the final exam.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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