Learning objectives
The course, aims to offer to attending students, according to D.M. 616, the following tools:
- principal approaches and methods in Art History Teaching, according to the role of the teacher, to crucial points of teaching and learning, and depending on the improvement of knowledge and its communication in Medieval, Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary Art History, History of Art Criticism, Museology and History of Collecting, with particular attention to Heritage Education;
- designing and developing of teaching activities in Art History: illustration of principles and methods in building art history activities, with particular attention to the terminology in Heritage Education;
- teaching and learning processes in Art History through the Digital Humanities (Digital Heritage), together with the analysis of positives and negatives aspects.
Single subject certification concerned:
A-01 (Art and Visual Art in secondary school)
A-17 (Design and Art History in High School)
A-54 (Art History)
Basic knowledge of art history (from Early modern to Contemporary period), artists and works of art, the social and cultural contexts that enable artistic production and reception, as well as the artistic terminology.
Course unit content
The course, aims to offer to attending students, according to D.M. 616, an overview on Art History Teaching in Italy in a comparative perspective, through its historical evolution, analysing principal approaches and methods for teaching, and approaching some crucial aspects in building art history activities. A part of the course will approaches the study of teaching and learning processes in the field of Heritage Education through the use of Digital Humanities.
Full programme
UD1. Art and its history. A cultural capital and its dissemination.
UD2. Teaching Art History in Italy: an historical introduction.
UD3. The work of art: definition, techniques and materials.
UD4. The work of art: function.
UD5. The work of art: the iconography.
UD6. The work of art: the style.
The artist.
UD7. The artist.
UD 8. Artworks and artists: the evaluation.
UD9. The patronage.
UD10. The collecting.
UD11. The market.
UD12. The museum.
UD13. The conservation and preservation.
UD14. The art world: skills and professions.
UD15. Teaching techniques and educational tools.
UD15. Educational tools.
The entire course is available on the platform for blended learning Elly DUSIC, at the end of the classrooms. At this digital dossier the student must added the following books:
-I. Baldriga, Diritto alla bellezza: educazione al patrimonio artistico, sostenibilità e cittadinanza, Mondadori, 2017.
- C. De Seta, Perché insegnare la storia dell'arte, Roma, Donzelli, 2008.
- G.C. Sciolla, Studiare l'arte. Metodo, analisi e interpretazione delle opere e degli artisti, Torino, UTET, 2001.
Students who don't attend the classes on regular basis must added to this list ONE of this book:
- A. Bortolotti, M. Calidoni, S. Mascheroni, Per l'educazione al patrimonio culturale. 22 tesi, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008.
- La storia dell'arte nella scuola italiana. Storia, strumenti, prospettive, «Ricerche di Storia dell'arte», vol. 79, 2003.
More recommended readings could added by the lecturer during classrooms. Students who don't attend the classes on regular basis must refer to the list of recommended readings.
Non attending students are requested to contact the teachter per e mail, as soon as possible (and before the exam)
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures, with powerpoint projections. The course is offered in a blended mode: powerpoint slideshows shown during frontal lessons are available at the end of the course on the platform for blended learning Elly DUSIC).
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam.
The exam (20/30 minutes max) concern the entire course, and aims to verify the student knowledge acquired during the classroom lectures in Art History Teaching (Italian School System: secondary and high school, museums). A part of the exam aims to test the student ability and the autonomy in designing a single subject lesson for one single subject certification, through a power point presentation: Attending students are invited to present the power point during classroom; not-attending students are requested to send the power point at least TWO weeks before the oral exam. Students who don't attend the classes on regular basis must refer to the list of recommended reading.
In Italian Universities grades are given on the basis of 30 points (30/30). When the student's performance is considered outstanding, a laude can be added. The minimum passing grade is 18/30. Grades below 18 are a fail and are not registered.
A fail is determined by: 1. a lack of understanding of the basic content of the course; 2. the inability to express oneself adequately; 3. by a lack of autonomous preparation; 4. the inability to solve problems related to information retrieval and its decoding; 5. the inability in making judgements independently.
The minimum passing grade (18-23/30) is ascribed when the student's performance is acceptable, according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above. Middle-range scores (24-27/30) are assigned to students who show more than a sufficient level (24-25/30) or a good level (26-27/30) according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above. High scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are assigned to students who show a very good or an excellent level according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above.
Other information
Contents according to D.M. 616.
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