cod. 1008045

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Pedagogia generale e sociale (M-PED/01)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
1) know the main foundations of pedagogy and history of the educational processes and of the educational institutions
2) know the main theories and models of basic interpretation of educational relationships
3) to know the main historical, theoretical, epistemological and methodological-procedural bases of pedagogical research, with particular reference to action research.
4) know some strategies for the development of teaching, with reference to the main ways of organizing teaching activities
5) know the main theories and the main models of planning and monitoring of teaching-learning processes
6) know the main perspectives of pedagogical and didactic research on disability and special educational needs, including specific learning disorders and the most relevant intervention models for inclusive education


No prerequisite is required.

Course unit content

The course, divided into six different parts, will provide the minimum content of knowledge necessary for access to the competition for secondary school teachers on the basic scientific foundations of general pedagogy, intercultural and inclusion (consistently with the training objectives referred to in Article 2, paragraph 4 of Ministerial Decree 616/2017):
a) Foundations of general pedagogy, of history of educational processes and of educational institutions, with particular reference to the processes of teaching / learning and sharing knowledge.
b) Introduction to the study of the theoretical, epistemological and methodological-procedural bases of pedagogical, theoretical and empirical research, national and international.
c) Analysis of the relationship between training processes, education, education and learning in the perspective of an inclusive pedagogy.
d) Interdependencies between processes and objects of knowledge.
e) Theories and models of interpretation of the educational relationship in inclusive scholastic contexts and with reference to all the protagonists of the educational and training network.
f) Analysis of models and educational strategies for the development of an intercultural school.
g) Theories and models related to the design, monitoring and evaluation in school contexts and teaching-learning processes, with particular attention to the evaluation and self-evaluation devices of the teacher's and teacher's education and the training processes of female students and of secondary school students.
h) The school as a learning environment: analysis of the educational and training needs of adolescents and young people in society, in educational organizations and in formal training agencies, non-formal and informal in relation also to the impact on educational activities related to cultural changes and lifestyles of adolescents and young people and the implications of social and intercultural phenomena in school settings.
i) Analysis of educational dynamics in family contexts, especially with reference to the school-family-territory relationship.
j) Analysis and pedagogical management of situations of bullying, cyberbullying and homophobia and to the dynamics of discrimination, to new forms of dependence and to the different juvenile problems.
k) Environmental education, education for sustainable development and international cooperation
l) The main perspectives of pedagogical and didactic research on disability and special educational needs, including specific learning disorders.
m) The pedagogical-didactic dimensions of the phenomena of dispersion and scholastic abandonment.
n) The main theories for the evaluation of learning and training processes.
o) Strategies for the development of teaching with reference to the main collaborative forms and cooperatives for organizing teaching activities.

Full programme

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The exam will be about:
• all the materials and documents available on: http://elly.scuola.unipr.it (with regards to the course of ELEMENTI DI PEDAGOGIA, PEDAGOGIA SPECIALE E DIDATTICA DELL'INCLUSIONE NELLA SCUOLA SECONDARIA (PREFIT - AMBITO A));

• Castoldi M., Chiosso G., Quale futuro per l'istruzione? Pedagogia e didattica per la scuola, Mondadori, Milano, 2017.

Teaching methods

The course includes both lectures and blended teaching methods. In this sense, it integrates harmoniously and coherently:
- lectures in the presence, mostly through traditional teaching methods and, compatibly with the logistical and organizational conditions, through the activation of the participants' resources;
- individual study activities of the bibliographic materials indicated;
- activities (individual and group) provided on the Elly platform including materials of various kinds (audio, video, electronic texts) aimed at favoring critical reasoning. The materials prepared on-line will offer participants opportunities for in-depth study of some specific topics addressed in class and self-assessment of their knowledge and skills, as well as study, reflection and analysis of cases and online exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

The path includes a summative assessment, at the end of the course, aimed at expressing an evaluation on a scale of 0/30 with regard to the final achievement of the training objectives by the participants. The written test consists of a closed questionnaire. The test passed with a score equal to or above 18/30 will be considered.

Other information

The Elly online learning platform can be reached online at the following address: http://elly.scuola.unipr.it
In order to access Elly, online registration is required.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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