cod. 1008599

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Tecnica delle costruzioni (ICAR/09)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
at the end of this course the student should know elementary analysis methods to evaluate stress and strain states of the structures. Moreover, he should gain understanding of the fundamental principles of the design methods and evaluation of structural reliability, as well as instruments and techniques to draft the structural design.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student should be able to compute actions on constructions and resultants stress and strain fields in the structure, to design reinforced concrete and steel structural elements, including foundations and supports, on the basis of design codes. Finally, the student should be able to draft design results with relative details.

Making judgments:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to evaluate, with critical mind, the good choice for the structural element design and its feasibleness.

Communication skills:
The student should be able to clearly present the results of the design activity by means of tables, charts and drawings.


Knowledge of basic concepts on equilibrium equations, material technology, strength of material and theory of elastic beams.

Course unit content

Principles of Static, construction techniques and structural forms. Trusses and frames.
Stress analysis. Isostatic and hyperstatic structures. Force method.
Design methods. Design at the Allowable Stresses and at the Limit States.

Reinforced concrete structures. Material properties. Members subjected to axial load, to flexure, to combined axial load and flexure (interaction diagrams). Members subjected to Shear.

Corbels and footing. Foundations.

Practices lectures. Design of beams and columns. Design-code recommendations.

Full programme

The topics of the course are detailed shown on the University web learning site “Elly”.


Notes given by lecturer and educational material available on the University web learning site “Elly”.

Additional books:
 Ivo Iori. “Minimi strumenti di scienza del costruire”. Monte Università Parma (2009)
 B. Furiozzi, C. Messina, L. Paolini. “Prontuario per il calcolo di elementi strutturali”– Le Monnier Scuola - Volume Unico.
 S. Di Pasquale, C. Messina, L. Paolini et alii . “Progettazione Costruzioni Impianti” 2a ED. Le Monnier Scuola - Tre Volumi.
 R. Calzona, C. Cestelli Guidi. “Il calcolo del C.A.”. Hoepli Editore, Milano, 2007.
 G. Toniolo, M. Di Prisco. “Cemento armato. Calcolo agli stati limite”. Zanichelli Editore, 2000.

Teaching methods

Slides will be used to convey the most important messages of the theory lectures. Practical lectures will perform by design examples on reinforced concrete and steel elements, as well as drawing construction details, under the guide of tutors.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning is based on an written exam, which deals with three theoretical and design questions. The answer to each question will be evaluated with a score from 0 to 10.
During the written test the student can consult only a handbook or technical manual.

Other information

Lecture attendance is highly recommended, as well as the use receiving student time of the professor to clear and to deep topics.

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