Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course -
Academic discipline
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

See the corresponding entry of the Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning Studio.


See the corresponding entry of the Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning Studio.

Course unit content

Presentation of the course and exercises .
Introductory remarks on disciplinary themes of urban and regional analysis and planning.
Formation of groups and assigning exercise themes.
Illustration of the method of investigation for the exercises .

Urban primary and secondary investigations.
The cartographic information system for the urban investigations.
Natural and antrophic survey matrices.
Physical investigations.
Environment Analysis.
Social investigations: anthropogenic factors (demographic and social).
Social investigations: building factors.
Social investigations: kinematic factors (mobility ).
Investigations on landscape.
Investigations on historical evolution.
Elements of urban morphology: the urban fabric; polarizations of civil and religious interest; the outdoor.
Elements of urban fabric: simple and complex urban units.

Full programme

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Main texts
Columbo V., La ricerca urbanistica, Giuffrè, Milano, 1982.
Mercandino A., Urbanistica Tecnica. Manuale per le indagini, le proiezioni, la diagnosi e il progetto, Ed. Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2001.

Recommended readings
Busi R. e Zavanella L., La classificazione funzionale delle strade, EGAF Edizioni, Forlì, 2002.
Choay F., La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino, 1973 (ed. or. 1965)
De Rossi et al. (a cura di), Linee nel paesaggio, UTET Università, Torino, 1999.
R. Krier, Lo spazio della città, Clup, Milano, 1982
Mumford L., La città nella storia, 3 voll., Bompiani , Milano, 1977 (ed. or. 1961).
Palermo P.C., Interpretazioni dell’analisi urbanistica, F. Angeli, Milano, 1992.
Roncayolo M., La città. Storia e problemi della dimensione urbana. Einaudi, Torino, 1988.

Topics covered by the course will be made explicit through educational materials in the form of further bibliographical and of slides and notes available in the web page of the course in the Elly platform (

Teaching methods

See the corresponding entry of the Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning Studio.

Assessment methods and criteria

See the corresponding entry of the Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning Studio.

Other information

See the corresponding entry of the Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning Studio.