cod. 1007797

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Gabriele ORETTI
Academic discipline
Otorinolaringoiatria (MED/31)
"altre attività quali l'informatica, attività seminariali ecc."
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PATHOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION CLINIC

Learning objectives

Describe and discuss the treatment of diseases of the oropharynx.
Knowing the main clinical diseases of the larynx.


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Course unit content

The lessons cover topics such as: Organ phoniatric: Pathophysiology, Articulatory Organ: pathophysiology, Organic voice disorders,
Elements of General Pathology: definition of benign and malignant tumors, theories of tumorigenesis, risk factors, cognitive disorders most frequently after a severe brain injury, the concept of neuropsychological assessment, the pathophysiology of swallowing adult suffering from brain injury, l 'etiology of severe brain injury and major consequences of hemispheric lesions

Full programme

- Elements of General Pathology: definition of benign and malignant tumors, theories of tumorigenesis, risk factors.

- Elements of anatomy and pathophysiology of chirururgica VADS and neck.

- Semiotics ENT, clinical and instrumental diagnosis, imaging.

- TNM classification and division levels in the lymph nodes of the neck.

- Tumors of the nasopharynx.

- Tumors of the oral cavity.

- Tumors of the oropharynx.

- Tumors of the larynx.

- Tumors of the hypopharynx.

- Tumors of the major salivary glands.

- Tumors of the Thyroid.

- Metastasis T unknown and emptying laterocervical.

- Diagnosis, treatment options, possible complications and outcomes.


G. Rossi, Otorinolaringoiatria

Teaching methods

Class lessons: the program themes will be discussed with the aid of slides. The proposed topics will be the subject of collective discussion and study on the basis of ideas and any questions raised during the lessons themselves.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the goals of the course is verified by an oral exam.
Answering questions about the contents of the course, the student will demonstrate whether he/she has achieved the goals of knowledge and understanding of the contents and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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