cod. 1004496

Academic year 2022/23
5° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Alessio LODOLA
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course of Drug design brings the student to knowledge and comprehension of main, simple techniques of QSAR and molecular modeling. Training in computer room is based on the application of statistical data analysis to QSAR data and of molecular modeling to drug design.
The course of Drug synthesis aims to enable the student to acquire the knowledge and the understanding of the basic principles of organic synthesis applied to medicinal chemistry and the main techniques used in the synthesis of bioactive compounds. The aim is to provide the student with an adequate capacity applying the knowledge and the understanding acquired for the solution of the main problems in the field of synthesis and purification of bioactive compounds.


Principles of medicinal chemistry. Basic statistics. Introductory matrix algebra.

Course unit content

The course of Drug design introduces to the application of models for the analysis of structure-activity relationships, with focus on QSAR and molecular modeling. Training in the computer room is included.
Lectures of Drug synthesis will deal with organic synthesis applied to the medicinal chemistry, with particular attention to innovative techniques and green chemistry. The course also provides practical exercises carried on in laboratory regarding the synthesis and purification of small bioactive compounds.

Full programme

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M.Mabilia. Chemoinformatica. Springer.
GH Grant, WG Richards. Computational Chemistry. Oxford Chemistry Primers.
I. VOGEL “Chimica Organica Pratica”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
D. PAVIA, G. LAMPMAN, G. KRIZ “Il Laboratorio di Chimica Organica”, Ed. Italiana a cura di P. Grunanger, D. Pocar; Sorbona.
M. D’ISCHIA “La Chimica Organica in Laboratorio”, Piccin.

Teaching methods

During the lessons basics of multivariate analysis, parametrization of physicochemical properties and molecular modeling are introduced and discussed. During training the students work in couples to the application of multivariate analysis and molecular modeling.
The course of Drug synthesis is supported by laboratory exercises. These exercises will be individual and practical and will give the opportunity to each student to approach independently the solution to different syntheses and purifications of compounds of pharmaceutical interest.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives consists of an oral exam. The questions will cover both the theoretical aspects and the practical in laboratory ensuring in this way the knowledge and the understanding of the student and the his capability in applying such knowledge and understanding to the solution of problems concerning the design, synthesis and purification of compounds of pharmaceutical interest and the analysis of structure-activity relationships.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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