cod. 15974

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
BACCIU Salvatore
integrated course unit
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />To acquire knowledge of otological symptoms and the main diseases of the ear. <br />Logopedic approach to severe communication disorders linked to general developmental disorders.<br />To describe the main pediatric diseases.


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Course unit content

<br />Otological symptoms. Otalgia. Periotalgia. Otorrhea. Otorrhagia. Otoliquorrhea. Fullness. Hypoacusis. Tinnitus. Cophosis. Dizziness. Instability. Nystagmus. Paralysis of the facial nerve.<br />Menière’s disease. Clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Overview of medical and surgical treatment. <br />Vestibular schwannoma and Neurofibromatosis 2. Clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Treatment overview.<br />Transmission and mixed hypoacusis.<br />External otitis . Otitis media. Clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Overview of medical and surgical treatment. <br />Otosclerosis. Clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Overview of medical and surgical treatment. <br />Pediatric patients. Vaccinations. Stature/weight growth. Infectious, viral and bacterial diseases. Urinary Tract infections. Alterations of the alvus. Cystic fibrosis. Infections of the central nervous systems. Cough. Recurrent respiratory infections. Acute bronchoalveolar infections. General anatomo-functional details of the upper respiratory tract. Obstruction of the upper respiratory tract.<br />Autism and developmental disorders. Introduction to the 'caring system'. Collaboration with family and school within the 'caring system'. Communication and language in the autistic child. Intersubjectivity and social abilities: logopedic intervention in the various age groups.   

Full programme

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<br />Giovanni Rossi MANUALE DI OTORINOLARINGOIATRIA  Edizioni Minerva Medica Torino<br />Lecture notes.

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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