Learning objectives
The purpose of ths course is to provide students with knowledge of the History of the German and English Language from their oldest stage until to the late Middle Ages.
Knowledgs of the German and english languages.
Course unit content
History of the german and of the English languages.
Full programme
If students show lack of knowledge about general features of the germanic languages as well of their historical background, these lectures might go back to the various aspects of the Germanic languages as framework
For the history of the german Language: sandra Bosco-Coletsos, Storia della lingua tedesca, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 1987.
For the history of the English Language: Nicoletta Francovich-Onesti, Breve storia della lingua inglese, Carocci,Roma.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures.
Assessment methods and criteria
If students show a particular interest for this subject, the lectures can also be extended to other subjects that may help to get a better understanding of the Germanic linguistic areal.
Other information
Questions can be asked in the coyrse of the lectures. These questions must be intended of course onlz as an exhortation to Learning.
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