Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2020/21
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Chimica farmaceutica (CHIM/08)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
107 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit partition: DRUG ANALYSIS II

Learning objectives

The course is divided into theoretical lectures and practical exercises and has been designed to provide students with knowledge and understanding on the most useful analysis methods for separation, identification and purity control of the substances provided during the laboratory activities. Moreover, through the frequency of this course and through the individual study, students will have the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in order to identify the different organic, organometallic and inorganic substances reported in the Official Italian Pharmacopoeia and of the European Pharmacopoeia.


Students must have passed the Organic Chemistry exam in order to attend the laboratory of Drug Analysis II

Course unit content

The introductory part of the program involves the study of the safety rules fundamental for work in a medicinal-chemistry lab.
The first part of the course concerns the study and a survey of those general notions required for the identification of the drugs in the Official Italian Pharmacopoeia and in the European Pharmacopoeia.
The second part of the program deals with specific methods of recognition of organic and organometallic drugs.

Full programme

Safety rules and elements of first aid in the chemical-pharmaceutical laboratory.
Explanation and use of the Official Italian Pharmacopoeia and of the European Pharmacopoeia.
Drug isolation and purification techniques: extraction using solvents, crystallisation, distillation, sublimation, chromatographic methods.
Measurement of physical constants: melting point, specific rotatory power.
Chromatographic techniques applied to drug recognition.
Spectrophotometric methods for drug identification.
Identification of organic substances: preliminary tests: behaviour during combustion, solubility, qualitative elementary analysis; recognition assays of the main functional groups (amines, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, alcohols, phenols, nitro compounds, carbohydrates, amino acids).
Recognition assays of organometallic and inorganic substances of pharmaceutical interest.
Recognition of organic, organometallic and inorganic substances included in the Official Pharmacopoeia: identification reactions and purity control.


V.Cavrini, V. Andrisano, Analisi farmaceutica, Società Editrice Esculapio • F.Savelli, O.Bruno, Analisi Chimico Farmaceutica, Edizioni Piccin • A. Carta, M.G. Mamolo, F. Novelli, S. Piras, Analisi Farmaceutica Qualitativa, EdiSES - Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, Ultima Edizione• Farmacopea Europea, Ultima Edizione

Teaching methods

The course is divided into theoretical lectures and practical activities. During the theoretical lectures, that will be held in hybrid form (classroom presence and contextual on-line streaming), the general methods of identification of substances of pharmaceutical interest will be discussed, together with the specific assays on the various compounds considered and present in Pharmacopoeia. The course will be supported by laboratory exercises, with the aim to give to the students the opportunity to use the knowledge and understanding gained to apply in practice what they studied during the theoretical lectures and the individual study.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination consists of a practical test and of an oral test, that could also be provided with an on-line mode, covering all the topics of the course. The practical test will consist in the identification of two substances included in the Official Pharmacopoeia, thus demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the concepts acquired during the course. The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course also includes an oral examination, dealing with all the theoretical notions acquired through the lectures.

Other information

To achieve the objectives of the course, students will attend laboratories equipped with the instrumentation useful for the separation and identification of compounds of pharmaceutical interest

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