Course unit partition: Cognomi P-Z

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Farmaceutico tecnologico applicativo (CHIM/09)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
61 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

Upon successful completion of the subject the student will acquire the knowledge and the practical skills required to identify, design, compound and use of the most common dosage forms.

Galenic Preparations Laboratory aims to provide the student with the knowledge and practical skills for compounding medications in community or hospital pharmacies.
In particular, the students will have to:
1) Identify the dosage form on the basis of a given prescription or formulation (Knowledge and understanding);
2) Ascertain the formal and substantial validity of a prescription on the basis of current legislation (Making judgements);
3) Apply the scientific knowledge acquired previously in organic and analytical chemistry to understand the operations necessary for the compounding of medications (Applying knowledge and understanding);
4) Develop the ability to correlate previous knowledge, laboratory skills and new guidelines and scientific literature to evaluate the design, compounding and stability of any medication compounded in a community or hospital pharmacy (Learning skills).


In order to take the final exam Tecnologia Farmaceutica/Laboratorio Preparazioni Galeniche the student have to be already already passed both the exams of Organic Chemistry and Physiology.

Course unit content

The subject is organized in two separate Modules: the course of Pharmaceutical Technology and the Galenic Extemporaneous Preparations Practical Laboratory.

The contents of the Galenic Extemporaneous Preparations Practical Laboratory are related to the norms and practices necessary for the modern and correct compounding and dispensing of extemporaneous preparations ordered by practitioner or in accordance to Pharmacopoeia monographs. The practicals are then focused on the compounding of extemporaneous pharmaceutical products and to the teaching of professional practice in this field, through two sections:
- in the first section, some lectures will be dedicated to the fundamentals of pharmaceutical calculations and metrology, to the basic pharmaceutical operations and to the good compounding practice;
- in the second section the student in the practical laboratory will compound different dosage forms according to the requirements of the Italian Official Pharmacopoeia.

Full programme

Galenic Preparations Laboratory
I Part (in class)
Good Compounding Practices
Compounding a medical prescription
National Tarif of compounded medicines
Unit operations: milling, mixing; dissolution, filtration
Pharmaceutical calculation

II Part (in lab)
Compounding the following dosage forms:
Powders and granules; Capsules; Solutions; Emulsions;
Suspensions; Ointments; Suppositories.


P. Colombo, P.L. Catellani, A. Gazzaniga, E. Menegatti, E. Vidale: "Principi di Tecnologie Farmaceutiche", 2° Ed. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2015.

H. Ansel, S. Stockton: “Principi di calcolo farmaceutico” (A cura di: Gaia Colombo, Alessandra Rossi, Paola Russo, Fabio Sonvico) EDRA, 2017

Testi da consultare (presenti nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco):
F. Bettiol. Manuale delle preparazioni galeniche: arte del preparare e attrezzature per oltre 1500 formulazioni magistrali, officinali, fitoterapiche e omeopatiche, 4. Ed
Tecniche nuove, Milano, 2016

Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, XII Edizione, Istituto
Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Roma (2008);
European pharmacopoeia 9 Ed. Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2016
Medicamenta : guida teorico pratica per sanitari, 6. Ed. Milano, Cooperativa Farmaceutica, 1976

The content of the teaching frontal lessons are available on the web site Elly ( and uploaded weekly

Teaching methods

The Galenic Preparations Laboratory is organised in two separate parts: theoretical lectures (2 CFU) dedicated to theoretical parts (metrology, pharmaceutical calculations and theoretical aspects of compounding) and laboratory activities (3 CFU) focused on the compounding of medications.

All slides are made available online at the Elly website ( Slides are a integral part of the studying material.

Students will be constantly reminded the appropriate technical language, exposed to real-life examples, invited to understand the underlying connections between different parts of the course and other subjects and will be stimulated to actively participate to the lectures with interactive discussions.

An attendance at least of 75% of lectures is required, while the frequency of all the laboratory sessions is compulsory.

Assessment methods and criteria

The overall evaluation of the student preparation will be carried out in three distinct assessments:
1) Practical exam consisting in the compounding of a medication on the basis of a medical prescription. Through the marking of the compounded product appearance and of the technical report prepared, it will be evaluated the applying and understanding of the knowledge acquired by the student (mark out of 30; 15% of the overall mark);
2) Written exam, through the solving of pharmaceutical calculations will evaluate the applying and understanding of knowledge of students. The exam will consist in 5 pharmaceutical problems to be solved in 1 hour and a half. The exam is passed by solving at least 3 problems out of 5 (mark out of 30; 25% of the overall mark);
3) Oral exam consisting in three questions to assess:
- student knowledge and understanding of the subject studied
- student judgement and understanding of the interconnections between different aspects of the course
- student communication skills in technical and scientific language;
- student ability to apply and use the knowledge acquired with independent and competent reasoning.
The opportunity to start the discussion with students is given by submitting them a pharmaceutical product. Up to 2 points out of 30 will be awarded on communication skills of the student (mark out of 30; 60% of the overall mark).

The final mark is obtained by the weighed average of the marks of the single assessments.

Students can register online for the exam using portal ESSE3 ( in the sessions available on the official exams calendar of the Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco.

Exams results are announced at the end of the oral exam and are availale online at ESSE3 portal ( within one week from the exam date.

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