Learning objectives
The course of "Pharmaceutical Legislation and Role of Pharmacy in Health Protection" aims to allow students to know and understand the legislative elements for the profession of pharmacist, in terms of dispensing medicines, nutraceuticals and services to the citizens, about the manufacturing of dosage forms, providing information about the work and the economic management of the pharmacy and linking the academic study with the daily life of the profession. In addition, the course aims to provide students with the ability to use the acquired knowledge and understanding to provide the citizen with the information necessary for the proper use of health tools available for the protection of health.
Furthermore, the course aims to bring the student to improve communication skills in the field of pharmaceutical legislation.
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Course unit content
The course is divided into two parts. In the first part the arguments are:
- European regulations concerning medicines
- Europeen rules on the movement of pharmacists
- Professional Associations
- Organization of Italian Health
- Health Reform
- Classification of pharmacies
- Pubblic exam for the allocation of new pharmacies
- Informal and formal replacement of owner
- Temporary administration of exercise of professions and arts and health activities subject to health surveillance
- Ethics of the pharmacist
- Continuing Medical Education (CME)
- Standards for the production and trade of medicinal products for human
- Classification of medicines
- Pharmacopoeias
- Discipline dispensing the medicines to the public
- Medicinal products not subject to medical prescription
- Rules for Veterinary Medicinal Products
- Rules interesting medical devices, in vitro diagnostic, biocides and sanitary
- Definition and production of cosmetics.
The second part of the course covers:
- the pharmacy presiding the health in the territory
- the services provided by the pharmacy
- controls on the pharmacy tasks
- logistics necessary to ensure the efficiency of the service
- technology support at the service
- the economic viability of the service
- National Collective Employment Contract for private pharmacy employees
- social responsibility of the pharmacy
- the role of the pharmacy in correct information to the public
- conclusions and ideas for reflection
Full programme
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M. MARCHETTI, P. MINGHETTI: "Legislazione Farmaceutica", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Ultima Ed.; VINCENZO TORTORELLA, ETTORE NOVELLINO, VINCENZO IADEVAIA “Tirocinio professionale in Farmacia-Guida all'esame di Stato. Volume 1°e 2°, Mercurio Editore; FARMACOPEA UFFICIALE ITALIANA XII ed., Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato; Farmacopea Europea.
Teaching methods
Lectures with the aid of computer tools for the projection of lessons.
Assessment methods and criteria
The method of verifying learning consists in written exam during the Department's examination calendar. It will also be possible to carry out written tests ongoing and they will be considered valid for passing the exam if the result is positive.
The minimum threshold for overcoming the written examination is the knowledge of the correct dispensing methods of the medicines, as well as the organization and management of the pharmacy.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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